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Official Journal of the American Aging Association (AGE)

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GeroScience - Editor's pick: Jorge Quarleri

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Prof. Jorge Quarleri
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina                                    

Areas of expertise:  
Infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV), virology, microbial molecular biology, and genomics.     

Jorge Quarleri is a professor of virology at the University of Buenos Aires, and a principal investigator at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), in Argentina. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal GeroScience. His areas of expertise are infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV), virology, microbial molecular biology, and genomics.

"The re-emergence of certain viral infections is linked to a myriad of factors, encompassing human-animal interactions, vaccination gaps, population mobility, and other determinants. The continuous surveillance and concerted control endeavors assume paramount significance in averting and managing the resurgence of these reemerging diseases. This overarching backdrop furnishes a shared landscape for addressing issues akin to those expounded in the following three articles concerning the polio virus, henipaviruses, and monkeypox virus".
                                               Prof. Jorge Quarleri

Editor's Picks: Free to read

Quarleri, J. Poliomyelitis is a current challenge: long-term sequelae and circulating vaccine-derived poliovirusGeroScience 45, 707–717 (2023).  (FREE access until February 12th, 2024)

Quarleri, J., Galvan, V. & Delpino, M.V. Henipaviruses: an expanding global public health concern?GeroScience 44, 2447–2459 (2022).  (FREE access until February 12th, 2024)

Quarleri, J., Delpino, M.V. & Galvan, V. Monkeypox: considerations for the understanding and containment of the current outbreak in non-endemic countries. GeroScience 44, 2095–2103 (2022).  (FREE access until February 12th, 2024)
