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Official Journal of the American Aging Association (AGE)

Publishing model:

GeroScience - Call for Papers

Exploring the Gero-Oncology Perspective: Unraveling the Intersection of Aging Research and Cancer Biology

Guest Editors:
Prof. Robert Mannel, MD, University of Oklahoma HSC
Prof. Judith Campisi, PhD, Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Prof. Balazs Gyorffy, MD, PhD, Semmelweis University
Prof. Anna Csiszar, MD, PhD, University of Oklahoma HSC
Prof. Peter Bai, PhD, University of Debrecen

The field of geroscience, focusing on the biology of aging, has revealed fascinating insights into the intricate relationship between aging and cancer. As the incidence of numerous cancer types exponentially increases with advancing age, understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying aging becomes crucial in deciphering the genesis and progression of cancer. We invite researchers to submit papers that shed light on specific mechanisms of aging that play pivotal roles in the development and progression of cancer, serve as targets for cancer treatments and contribute to the side effects of cancer therapies. Additionally, we are also interested in exploring the potential of aging-related biomarkers, including gene expression profiles associated with aging processes, as predictors of cancer survival.

Topics of Interest:

1) Role of Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Aging in Cancer Genesis and Progression:

  • Investigating specific mechanisms of aging involved in cancer initiation and development
  • Elucidating the molecular crosstalk between aging pathways and cancer signaling networks
  • Identifying key aging-associated factors influencing tumor microenvironment and immune responses
  • Uncovering novel targets for therapeutic interventions by elucidating the impact of aging on cancer hallmarks

2) Therapies Targeting Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Aging: Effects on Cancer Development and Progression:

  • Examining the efficacy and safety of interventions targeting aging mechanisms in cancer treatment
  • Assessing the impact of senolytics, senescence modulators, and other anti-aging therapies on cancer outcomes
  • Investigating the potential of rejuvenation strategies to enhance the effectiveness of existing cancer therapies
  • Exploring the influence of aging-related metabolic alterations on response to cancer treatments

3) Cancer Treatment Side Effects as Accelerated Aging Phenotypes:

  • Understanding the physiological, cellular, and molecular consequences of cancer treatment-induced aging-like effects
  • Unraveling the role of cellular senescence and senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in treatment-related side effects
  • Evaluating the impact of therapy-induced aging phenotypes on long-term cancer survivorship and quality of life
  • Developing strategies to mitigate treatment-induced aging effects and enhance patient well-being

Submission Guidelines:
We encourage submissions from researchers across disciplines, including cancer research and oncology, geroscience, molecular biology, genetics, and related fields. Manuscripts should present original research, reviews, or perspectives that contribute to our understanding of the intricate interplay between aging and cancer. Submissions can be made through the Geroscience submission portal ( and must comply with the journal’s formatting standards. During the submission process, please select the "SI: Gero-Oncology" option to indicate your participation in this Call for Papers. The submitted manuscripts will undergo the customary peer-review process and will be published online immediately upon acceptance. Accepted manuscripts will be prominently featured in an exclusive online collection of articles, ensuring their widespread recognition and visibility. Additionally, each manuscript will receive dedicated attention and prominence through our social media channels.

The submission of manuscripts in response to this Call for Papers is ongoing. For inquiries and further information, please contact Prof. Anna Csiszar at

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