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Official Journal of the American Aging Association (AGE)

Publishing model:

GeroScience - Call for Papers

Impetus Grants

Guest Editors: Lada Nuzhna, Matt Kaeberlein, Martin Borch Jensen

Starting in the fall of 2021, Impetus funded more than 100 novel projects in the field of aging. Since day 1, our main focus was on ideas that advance the practical application of longevity research but are unlikely to get funded through traditional grants. We funded many research proposals with a significant risk of failure. This call-for-papers is aimed at providing a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge results from funded projects. We invite high impact original research manuscripts, reviews, and commentaries arising from funded proposals. 

Please indicate during the submission process by checking the relevant box that the manuscript is submitted in response to the Call for Papers “Impetus Grants”

All manuscripts should be submitted online here:

Submissions open from: June 2022

Submission deadline: September 2024

Guest Editors: 

New Content ItemLada Nuzhna Lada helped start and is currently a director of Impetus Grants, which identifies and funds promising longevity research within academia. She is also a Thiel fellow researching the field of epigenetics and molecular tools. Before dropping out, she studied physics and computer science at Northwestern University, with research in computational physics.

New Content ItemDr. Matt Kaeberlein is a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Washington School of Medicine.  Dr. Kaeberlein’s research interests are focused on biological mechanisms of aging in order to facilitate translational interventions that promote healthspan. He is currently the CEO and Chair of AGE and has served on the Board of Directors for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and AGE, and on Council for GSA. Dr. Kaeberlein is the founding Director of the University of Washington (UW) Healthy Aging and Longevity Research Institute, the Director of the NIH Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging at UW, Director of the T32 Biological Mechanisms of Healthy Aging Training Program, and founder and co-director of the Dog Aging Project.

New Content ItemMartin Borch Jensen is the CSO of Gordian Biotechnology. Prior to founding Gordian, he had an extensive career in academic aging research: after an M.S. in nanotechnology, he received Denmark’s most exclusive doctoral fellowship (EliteForsk) for his Ph.D. in biogerontology at the NIH National Institute on Aging/the University of Copenhagen. He then did postdoctoral research at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, modifying different aging pathways to extend lifespan in model organisms. As a postdoc he received the ~$1M NIH Pathway to Independence award, to start his own research lab. He returned this award to found Gordian, which is building the first truly scalable therapeutic discovery platform for diseases of aging. 

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