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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Recent Advances of Hydrogen Production/ Liquefaction as a Complex Energy systems (RAHPLES24)

Guest Editor Principal:

Prof. Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran

Guest Editor

Prof. Emin Açıkkalp
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Eskisehir Technical University, 26470 Eskisehir, Turkey

Industrial societies have heavy dependence on energy sources, particularly fossil fuels and their indiscriminate utilization and consumption leads to discharge of considerable resources which have been established in the underground layers over the years. Regarding the limitations of these sources and anticipation of depletion of them in not-too-distnat future, it is crucial to concentrate on the alternative energy resources which have high availability and accessibility and improve their knowledge for exploiting them. Hydrogen is a versatile carrier of energy that could help tackle different censorious energy challenges. Hydrogen energy is a promising alternative fuel choice for electricity generation and transportation. Aside from that, hydrogen is usable in chemical and refining sectors. Moreover, hydrogen energy can be used for power generation by making use in fuel cells or thermal power plants as the fuel. There are different procedures for production of hydrogen. It is possible to employ fossil fuels like natural gas and coal and thus responsible for remarkable yearly emissions of CO2. Clean hydrogen provided by nuclear or renewable nergy of the fossil utilizing carbon capture could take role in decarbonization a range of sectors  such as chemicals, long-haul transport and steel and iron industries in which it is not easy to decrease emissions. Moreover, hydrogen can be involved in the integration of different renewables as one of the few choices for energy storage over days or months.

Various procedures and processes have been introduced for production of hydrogen such as electrolysis and thermal process. Energy is required in the hydrogen production processes and it is crucial to find proper energy sources to have sustainable production of hydrogen with affordable cost. Renewable energy sources can be applied directly or indirectly for production of hydrogen. In direct cases, it is needed to employ particular processes such as photoelectrochemical. In the indirect cases, renewable energies are used for power generation or therm energy provisions to be used in hydrogen production processes. In addition to the production of hydrogen, renewable energy sources are applicable for other hydrogen-related processes like hydrogen liquification. In this regard, it is necessary to apply renewable energies to supply required energy type in a proper way.

This special collection covers present and future trends of hydrogen production integrated systems with respect to the multi-disciplinary energy indices that would include mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and chemical engineering. Here, we cordially invite manuscripts focused on fuel cell-related topics such as:

  • Modeling and experimental validation of the hydrogen production systems
  • Thermal, flow and electrochemical analysis of hydrogen production systems
  • Hybrid system analysis and integration with conventional technology
  • Techno-economic analysis of hydrogen production systems
  • Control strategies for hydrogen production systems
  • Hydrogen production, transport, and storage
  • Renewable energies in hydrogen production systems
  • Renewable energies in hydrogen liquefaction systems
  • Energy management of hydrogen production systems
  • New methods for liquefaction of hydrogen

Realistic Timeline:

Open Submission: 23 February 2024
Deadline for submissions: 25 June 2024

All invited papers will be subject to the same rigorous peer-review process as regular submissions to the journal, and upon publication each author team will be provided with a free pdf file of the printed article. We ask that you submit your manuscript directly to the ESPR editorial office by online submission at .
Please select “SI: XREMWVRYZ” in the list of special issues configured in the 'Additional Information' submission step.

All manuscripts should be prepared according to the journal guidelines (
