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Theory and Decision

An International Journal for Multidisciplinary Advances in Decision Science

Publishing model:

Theory and Decision - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Dynamic Decision Theory

Guest editors: 
Wolfgang Spohn, University of Konstanz, Germany
Gerard Rothfus, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA 
Mantas Radzvilas, University of Konstanz, Germany

Traditionally, decision theory concerns how to act rationally in given decision situations, where rational action may of course encompass the adoption of extended plans or strategies. Dynamic decision theory is a dynamic extension thereof and has become an increasingly important topic within the theory of rational choice. Generally, it concerns rational requirements relating an agent’s decision situations at different times. Though many such requirements have been proposed, dynamic consistency is the central and most widely discussed of these.

Importantly, it has two different facets. The topic originated in economics from the problem of (endogenous) preference change. Dynamic consistency was then considered to be a central desideratum, leading, e.g., to theories of sophisticated choice. This strand of the discussion is still important in economics and has been recognized in philosophy as well. However, since E.F. McClennen’s important book Rationality and Dynamic Choice (1990), a different but likewise rich discussion has evolved in which dynamic consistency and other postulates are rather used as a test criterion for various decision rules in a dynamic setting. This perspective has, it seems, come to dominate the philosophical discussion.

We think it important to keep these two strands of the discussion united and to promote an exchange between them. This is the goal of the present special issue in Theory and Decision, which addresses important foundational issues in decision theory and has the potential to advance the field.

Any contribution to dynamic decision theory, whether from philosophy or from economics, is welcome.

Submission deadline: 15 June 2024
Submission via the Submit your manuscript link on the website of the journal:
During submission, please choose ‘S.I.: Dynamic Decision Theory’ from the drop-down menu.

For this Special Issue, there are no paper length restrictions, but we recommend a length of 20-25 pages. To publish the entire Special Issue in a timely manner, we restrict potential revisions to a single round and request that a revised version be submitted within three months of notice.
Otherwise, the Special Issue will follow the policies of the journal Theory and Decision. All submissions will undergo a single-anonymous peer-review process. 
Please carefully observe the submission guidelines found at:

Contact for any questions or requests for further information: 
Gerard Rothfus, e-mail

