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Space Science Reviews - Understanding the Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres

New Topical Collection published in Space Science Reviews

Dordrecht, 19 April 2021

Cassini spacecraft entering Saturn’s atmosphere © Credit: NASA/JPL-CaltechTen planetary atmospheres are currently studied in the solar system and many more will be characterized in the coming years as we remotely observe exoplanets. Are we ready to understand what we will discover around other stars? The examples of the solar system are probably not sufficient to let us anticipate the diversity of exo-atmospheres. To prepare this revolution, it is nevertheless very interesting to make the most of what we have learned so far, to identify commonalities between the different solar system atmospheres, and to make out the remaining key questions in our understanding of the known planetary atmospheres.

Toward these goals, a special article collection on "Understanding the Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres" has been published in the journal Space Science Reviews. It was prepared during a workshop organized at the International Space Science Institute in Bern, on November 12-16, 2018, with the support of the Europlanet Research Infrastructure of the EU. Nearly 40 scientists from Europe, USA, Russia, China, Japan, Israel and Australia attended this meeting, including planetary scientists, experts in the origins of atmospheres, planetary interior, aeronomy, escape, climatologists, and astronomers. The diversity of expertise proved to be very fruitful to discuss the diversity of atmospheres.

Please, start reading the introductory article: 
François Forget, Oleg Korablev, Julia Venturini, Takeshi Imamura, Helmut Lammer & Michel Blanc. Editorial: Topical Collection on Understanding the Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres. Space Sci Rev 217, 51 (2021).

The 15 articles of this topical collection present rich, up-to-date views on many hot scientific questions relating to planetary atmospheres and the climate of exoplanets. By compiling this collection we hope to provide a solid reference for anyone willing to work towards understanding the diversity of planetary atmospheres.

This collection is dedicated to the memory of Adam P. Showman, a creative thinker, brilliant scientist, pioneer and leader in the study of the diversity and dynamics of planetary atmospheres.

François Forget, Oleg Korablev, Julia Venturini, Takeshi Imamura, Helmut Lammer & Michel Blanc (Guest Editors)

Please browse further recent article collections in Space Science Reviews here.
