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Solar Physics

A Journal for Solar and Solar-Stellar Research and the Study of Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Publishing model:

Solar Physics - Data availability statement (DAS)

1 November 2021

Solar Physics has now adopted the common policy of requiring a data availability statement (DAS).

It is a mandatory requirement for the author to provide a data availability statement (DAS) in the manuscript file with their other declarations. Providing access to research data is optional. Authors may provide access to data using the specified submission item ‘Link(s) to supporting data’ or merely list the URL alongside their DAS in the declaration section.

The 'Data availability' statement should be included under the heading "Declarations" along with the 'Conflict of interest' statement for inclusion in the published paper. Please note that submissions that do not include relevant declarations will be returned as incomplete. 

For more details, please read the section "Research Data Policy and Data Availability Statements" of our Submission Guidelines.
