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Solar Physics

A Journal for Solar and Solar-Stellar Research and the Study of Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Publishing model:

Solar Physics - Call for papers: "Ten Years of Solar Observations with PROBA2"

Call for statements of interest to contribute to special article collection

We solicit manuscripts on this general subject for inclusion in a Topical Collection of the journal Solar Physics. The deadline for submission of statements of interest (SOI) with a tentative title, abstract, author list, and three suggestions for referees, preferably with e-mail, is 13 September 2019.

This Topical Collection is a follow-up of the 2013 Topical Issue that highlighted the scientific and operational achievements after the first two years of the mission. This Topical Collection is not limited to research based solely on PROBA2 data, but submissions should have a clear link with the mission. Instrumental contributions are welcome as well. This Topical Collection is not a conference proceedings and all submissions must be completed original papers that meet the regular quality of the journal. The Topical Collection will start off with several invited reviews to summarise the mission’s scientific achievements and frame the work in the research articles which follow. Please consult Solar Physics 291, 2016 for recent Topical Collections. Topics to be included in the Topical Collection include:

  • Flares, eruptions, and their related phenomena
  • Studies of solar irradiance and its influence on Earth
  • Studies of the middle corona
  • Data calibration and degradation of the PROBA2 instruments
  • Studies of the global structure of the EUV corona and/or large-scale features within it
  • Studies of the long-term evolution of the corona and solar irradiance over the course of the solar cycle

For further information, and to submit a statement of intent, please contact 

Elke D’Huys (Guest editor), Marie Dominique (Guest editor), Matthew West (Guest editor), John Leibacher (Solar Physics Editor-in-Chief)

