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Social Indicators Research

An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement

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Since its foundation in 1974, Social Indicators Research has become the leading journal on problems related to the measurement of all aspects of the quality of life. The journal continues to publish results of research on all aspects of the quality of life and includes studies that reflect developments in the field. It devotes special attention to studies on such topics as sustainability of quality of life, sustainable development, and the relationship between quality of life and sustainability. The topics represented in the journal cover and involve a variety of segmentations, such as social groups, spatial and temporal coordinates, population composition, and life domains. The journal presents empirical, philosophical and methodological studies that cover the entire spectrum of society and are devoted to giving evidences through indicators. It considers indicators in their different typologies, and gives special attention to indicators that are able to meet the need of understanding social realities and phenomena that are increasingly more complex, interrelated, interacted and dynamical. In addition, it presents studies aimed at defining new approaches in constructing indicators.

This is a transformative journal, you may have access to funding.

  • David Bartram
Impact factor
3.1 (2022)
5 year impact factor
3.2 (2022)
Submission to first decision (median)
11 days
1,789,379 (2023)

Latest issue

May 2024 |

Volume 173, Issue 1

Special Issue Title: Data Science for Measuring Regional Competitiveness

Latest articles

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Electronic ISSN
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Abstracted and indexed in
  2. ANVUR
  3. Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List
  4. BFI List
  5. Baidu
  6. CAB Abstracts
  8. CNKI
  10. Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences
  11. Dimensions
  12. EBSCO
  14. EconLit
  15. Engineering Village – GEOBASE
  16. Google Scholar
  17. JSTOR
  18. Naver
  19. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  20. Portico
  21. ProQuest
  22. PsycINFO
  23. Psyndex
  24. Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
  25. SCImago
  26. SCOPUS
  27. Social Science Citation Index
  28. TD Net Discovery Service
  29. UGC-CARE List (India)
  30. Wanfang
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