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Review of Industrial Organization

An International Journal Published for the Industrial Organization Society

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Journal updates

  • Free Access to Special Issue: "The U.S. 2023 Merger Guidelines"

    The Editors of Review of Industrial Organization are pleased to offer free access to our latest special issue in its entirety.  Access all articles without a paywall for the month of August. Please feel free to share this link directly with colleagues, on your social media, and anywhere else you would like.

  • Acknowledgement of 2023 Reviewers

    The Review of Industrial Organization relies on its Board of Editors and leading scholars in the field for thoughtful and constructive referee reports.  We acknowledge the generous assistance of these individuals, in addition to the Board of Editors, over the course of 2023. Please follow link for full list.

  • Open Access Articles

    Read recently published open access articles in the Review of Industrial Organization. 
