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Quality & Quantity

International Journal of Methodology

Publishing model:

Quality & Quantity - Special/Thematic sections

Special/Thematic sections

The journal Quality&Quantity occasionally publishes special/thematic sections. The aim of thematic sections is to bring out/produce collections of articles on a particular theme in order to enable new insights into theoretical and empirical scientific knowledge of contemporary, socially and scientifically relevant topics.

Articles for special/thematic sections are collected both by public call and direct invitation by the guest editor.  The public calls are open to everyone.

The public call is published by the Editorial Board of the journal in collaboration with the guest editor.

The journal occasionally publishes a selection of the proceedings of international conferences too.

Proposals for thematic/special sections should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief Prof Han Woo Park ( They should include:

1. Title of the special/thematic section

2. Information about the guest editor/s (name and surname, academic affiliation, contact)

3. Description and explanation of the proposed thematic section: Abstracts of up to 500 words on the purpose of the proposed theme, its scientific and social relevance and a list of sub-topics which are relevant for applicants and submission of manuscripts)

4. Date of call opening

5. Date of call closing

6. The website of the conference whose proceedings would be published

The Editor in Chief may request revision or amendment proposals based on comments and suggestions received from the Editorial Board. The final decision on the special section proposal will be made by the Editor in Chief based on received comments from the Editorial Board. When discussing proposals, the Editorial Board will take into account the journal publishing policy, the scientific relevance of the proposed topic, the anticipated contents of the manuscripts and approaches to the topic.

Guest editors are invited, when designing thematic sections, to pursue a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to the subject, to include theoretical and empirical works, authors from different countries and institutions.

It is recommended that authors and/or co-authors from the same institution do not account for more than one third of all authors.

After accepting the proposal for the thematic issue, the Editorial Board publishes a public call in the website of the journal in collaboration with guest editors.

The public call needs to clearly state the following:

- All manuscripts received for the thematic issue are subject to the usual procedure of double anonymous review. An invitation to submit a paper to a special/thematic section does not imply automatic acceptance for publication. Some submissions are likely to be rejected;

- The link to the website of the journal for the peer review process and preparation of manuscripts according to the rules of the journal.

The Guest Editor uses a public call and its link to collect manuscripts though the web platform Editorial Board: Editorial Manager.

Thematic/special sections contain a maximum of 12 articles AND a presentation written by the guest editor.

The responsibilities of the Guest Editor are:

The Guest Editor invites potential authors and encourages the timely submission of manuscripts. S/he is responsible of all the initial review work by directly reviewing the submitted papers and/or inviting trusted reviewers.

After this first phase the papers are then sent to the Editorial Board for further processing.

After the completion of the review process, the final decision on accepting or rejecting the manuscripts is made by the Editor-in-Chief in consultation with the Guest Editor.

The Guest Editor writes the introduction/presentation of the thematic/special section.

The presentation may be a brief overview of the importance and purpose of the thematic section and a summary of the included articles. The presentation may be a review article if 75% or more of its content is devoted to the general theme and theory rather than to the discussion of specific articles.

Guest Editors should avoid conflicts of interest when deciding on the possible authors and reviewers of the manuscript for the special issue.

Guest Editors are not paid for their work.
