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Transportation - Transportation in the Media

From Salon

December 25, 2021
In Brian Ladd's article "Filth, automobiles, and our misguided obsession with traffic" published in Salon, references Wesley E. Marshall & Eric Dumbaugh's paper from Transportation "Revisiting the relationship between traffic congestion and the economy: a longitudinal examination of U.S. metropolitan areas."

From Wired

June 9, 2021
Aarian Marshall's article for Wired titled "The Pandemic Put an End to Rush Hour. What Happens Now?" cites the Transportation paper "Working at home and elsewhere: daily work location, telework, and travel among United States knowledge workers," written by Jonathan Stiles & Michael J. Smart.

From The Guardian

March 11, 2021
Adrienne Matei's article "Meet the 'faux commuters' taking fake trips to work during the pandemic" for the Guardian cites Lothlorien S. Redmond & Patricia L. Mokhtarian paper from Transportation, "The positive utility of the commute: modeling ideal commute time and relative desired commute amount." 

From Forbes

February 16, 2021
Aline Holzwarth's Forbes article "Remote Work Is (Mostly) Here To Stay" cites the Transportation paper by Lothlorien S. Redmond & Patricia L. Mokhtarian, "The positive utility of the commute: modeling ideal commute time and relative desired commute amount." 

From the Washington Post

February 1, 2021
In an article written by Kate Lowe, Sarah Reckhow and Andrea Benjamin for the Washington Post titled "Pete Buttigieg may not know this yet: Rail transportation funding is a racial equity issue," the Transportation paper "Public transportation objectives and rider demographics: are transit’s priorities poor public policy?" by Brian D. Taylor & Eric A. Morris is cited.

From Wired

November 30, 2020
Alice Marshall's Wired Magazine article "Ride-Hail Companies Are Making Life Harder for Scooters" cites Alejandro Henao & Wesley E. Marshall's article "The impact of ride-hailing on vehicle miles traveled" published in Transportation.

From the BBC

July 29, 2020
The BBC's article "Will Covid-19 make urban cycling more inclusive?" cites the Transportation article from Sonja Haustein, Maarten Kroesen & Ismir Mulalic "Cycling culture and socialisation: modelling the effect of immigrant origin on cycling in Denmark and the Netherlands."

From the New York Post

April 26, 2020
In the New York Post article "Americans may be suffering ‘quarantine fatigue,’ going out more, study says" the authors of the Transportation article "Measuring and enhancing the transferability of hidden Markov models for dynamic travel behavioral analysis" are interviewed and their study is discussed.

From the BBC

March 10, 2020
The BBC article "Should working while you commute count as paid time?" cites Mattias Gripsrud & Randi Hjorthol's article "Working on the train: from ‘dead time’ to productive and vital time" published in Transportation.

From Forbes

January 20, 2020
Carlton Reid, a Senior Contributor of Forbes, wrote "Bicycle Commuters Experience Joy But Motorists Would Much Rather Teleport." This piece highlights the Transportation paper from Marie Russell & Patricia Mokhtarian titled "How real is a reported desire to travel for its own sake? Exploring the ‘teleportation’ concept in travel behaviour research."
