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Public Organization Review - Call for Proposals

Public-Private Partnerships:

Essential Collaborations for Mitigating against, Preparing for, Responding to, and Recovering from Natural Disasters

Calling for Proposals of Articles for a Special Issue of –

The Public Organization Review: A Global Journal (POR) invites article proposals for a Special Issue Symposium on “Public-Private Partnerships Essential for Mitigating against, Preparing for, Responding to, and Recovering from Natural Disasters.” This Special Issue will be co-edited by Frances L. Edwards and J. Steven Ott

Proposals should be submitted to Prof Steven Ott ( by November 30, 2023.

Manuscripts developed from accepted proposals must be submitted through the POR portal ( by March 15, 2024.

Proposals should address experiences with and lessons learned from innovative and effective – or ineffective – partnerships among governments, nonprofit organizations, and/or private business for the explicit purpose(s) of planning and building capacity to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to and/or recover from natural disasters in jurisdictions at all level of government world-wide. Proposals for articles must offer useful perspectives, insights, strategies, approaches, and/or models of inter-sectoral partnerships for building and maintaining flexible capacity. Acceptance priority will be given to proposals that include implications for generalizing findings to policy and administrative actions in other jurisdictions.

Proposals for scholarly papers on a wide range of sub-topics using quantitative and/or qualitative analysis approaches will be considered, including rigorous scholarly research, strong theoretical works, single-site case studies, and comparative case studies. Scholarly manuscripts must be grounded in theory/literature and empirical evidence, and use sound analytical methods. Findings should be generalizable. Single-site case studies will be subject to more practical review criteria.

Articles in this Special Issue will be published Online first (iFirst) as they are accepted, and the print volume will be published in the September issue. 

POR is an “exceptionally strong performing” quarterly scholarly journal with an ESCI & Q2 status, and soon to receive Q1 & ISI/SSCI status. It provides a global forum for academicians and practitioners in diverse areas of public administration and public policy, governance, organization theory and behavior, public management, nonprofit administration, budgeting and finance, economic and social development, strategic studies, globalization, crisis and emergency management, and more. POR publishes only highest quality manuscripts that stand: (a) the rigor of a demanding double anonymous review process, (b) a selective acceptance rate of about 15% per year, and (c) groundbreaking theoretical as well as practical ideas that advance knowledge and improve practice. POR publishes 4 issues per year with Publication Online first (iFirst), followed by print publication. POR is published by Springer.

Proposals and Manuscripts

Proposals should clearly and succinctly present: (1) a descriptive title; (2) a statement of purpose that includes a problem statement; (3) research questions; (4) a sound conceptualization of the study with theoretical/literature grounding if appropriate; (5) the ‘originality’ and significance of the paper; (6) a brief methodology statement that includes, for example, sources of data, tools and methods; and (7) the paper’s potential contributions to knowledge (generalizability).  Proposals should not exceed our 2- page limit.

Completed manuscripts should not exceed 35 pages double spaced (or 8000 words), inclusive of all tables, figures, and charts. APA style with third person writing—only—is required. Style guidelines are on the POR website.

Timetable to Publication

Interested scholars are invited to submit proposals of approximately 800 to 1000 words by November 30, 2023. Proposing authors will receive a response with feedback as they are received and no later than January 15, 2024. A positive response to a proposal does not guarantee acceptance of the manuscript.

Manuscripts (complete copy) from well-received proposals are due by March 15, 2024. 

Authors of draft manuscripts will receive review comments by April 15, 2024. Reviews will include:

(1) a recommendation to complete the manuscript with suggested revisions; (2) a recommendation to revise and resubmit with more substantive required revisions; or (3) a decision that the manuscript will not be accepted – the author(s) might consider submitting it to a different journal. A review with a (1) or (2) recommendation does not guarantee acceptance of the final manuscript.

Final revised manuscripts are due by May 15, 2024. Final manuscripts will be double-anonymous reviewed through the POR review process as they are received.

Final reviews by POR reviewers and publication decisions will be posted on POR’s Editorial Manager’s Site by June 15, 2024.   

The Special Issue will be published in POR: Articles will be published Online as they are accepted (iFirst) and in print, in the September 2024 issue.

Proposals and manuscripts should be submitted to Professor Steven Ott, Co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue:

For more information, see below:

Questions about the substance or process for proposals, manuscripts, or the Special Issue should be submitted to Guest Co-Editor—Steven Ott at:

The Editor-In-Chief of Public Organization Review (POR) is Professor Ali Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University.

Special Issue Guest Editors:

Professor Frances Edwards, San Jose State University,

Professor Steven Ott, University of Utah,

For authors:

Submit proposals to Professor Steven Ott:

Submit manuscripts to POR:
