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Phytochemistry Reviews

Fundamentals and Perspectives of Natural Products Research

Publishing model:

Phytochemistry Reviews - Manuscripts intended for a Special Issue: Important submission information

To submit a manuscript to one of the Phytochemistry Reviews Special Issues, authors should follow the steps below to ensure it can be considered as part of the correct Special Issue.

Submission letter

Authors should include a clear statement that the authors were invited to contribute to the Special Issue with the submitted manuscript. This statement can be included as a cover letter or in the "Comments" step of the submission process.

To submit a manuscript to one of the Special Issues, authors should follow the steps below:

  1. Authors submit their paper through the journal's online submission system.
  2. In the “Additional Information” step, authors must select “Yes” to the question “Has this manuscript been invited to a special issue?”.
  3. In the “Please select the special issue your manuscript belongs to.” step, authors must select the correct special issue from the drop-down menu.

Submission System Screenshot
