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Mycopathologia - Featuring new Collection on Tinea Capitis

We invite Authors to submit their research to a new Collection on Tinea Capitis. 

As Prof. Rod Hay wrote in 2017 in Mycopathologia, “Tinea capitis remains a common childhood infection in many parts of the world. . . however, the infection is no longer regarded as a health priority.” The proposed collection will aim to re-focus attention on Tinea capitis by highlighting epidemiology, hospital/regional/national surveys, clinical presentations, unusual cases, images of typical cases, pathogen descriptions, laboratory tools and techniques, dermoscopy (trichoscopy), treatment guidelines, antifungals- clinical, laboratory, pharmacy.

The Collection can be found here.

The Guest Editors are:

Prof. Ruoyu Li, Prof. Jianjun Qiao, Prof. Macit Ilkit, and Prof. Vishnu Chaturvedi 
