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Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials

An International Journal Devoted to the Time-Dependent Behaviour of Materials and Structures

Publishing model:

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials - Why you should publish Open Access with Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials

Why publish Open Access with Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials?

As a Transformative Journal (TJ), Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials offers authors the choice between publishing via either the traditional publishing route or the immediate gold Open Access (OA) route. Publishing Open Access means that your work is open to all: it can be read, used, and built upon by researchers worldwide. Should authors have the ability to do so, the MTDM team strongly encourages authors to choose Open Access for the following reasons:

  • OA articles receive 1.6x more citations than non-OA articles on average
  • OA articles receive 4x more downloads than non-OA articles 
  • OA articles overall yield greater impact. They benefit from 2.5x more Altmetric attention, attracting 1.9x more news mentions and 1.2x more policy mentions than non-OA articles.

MTDM has already published a number of Open Access articles. Check them out here!

What should researchers know about publishing an OA article with MTDM?

  • OA articles are submitted the same way as traditional articles, through Editorial Manager. Authors are prompted to choose between traditional publishing or immediate gold Open Access after their manuscript has been accepted. 
  • To publish Open Access in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, authors are required to pay an article processing charge (APC). The APC for all published articles is as follows, subject to VAT or local taxes where applicable: £2180.00/$3280.00/€2590.00.
  • Open Access Agreements: Funding to cover OA APCs might be available to you, depending on your institution. You can check if funding is available using Springer Nature’s funding & support tool here
  • APC Waivers and Discounts: Authors from low-income countries can receive a full APC waiver to publish their work; authors from medium-income countries can receive a 50% APC discount. Check our qualifying list of countries here.

Read more about publishing Open Access with MTDM here.
