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Collections and calls for papers

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Active Cometary Atmospheres

A Topical Collection describing the interaction of Active Comets with the Solar Wind, including an in-depth analysis of the Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
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Astrophysics and Cosmology in Modified Gravity Theories

It is well known that general relativity is very successfully applied to cosmology, compact objects, and gravitational waves. However, observational data has increasingly challenged it. How can we explain, f...
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Submission deadline
30 November 2024

Topical collection on 2011 Draconids

A Draconid meteor shower outburst was observed above Northern Europe on 8th October 2011. This topical collection describes the analysis of the event, which included spectroscopic observations, airborne obse...
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Topical Collection: Oceans Inside Icy Planetary Bodies

In this Topical Collection, exploration techniques of the icy planetary bodies are described, including the use of extra-terrestrial acoustics, and analysis of crust heat flow and thermal state.
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