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Mobile Networks and Applications

The Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing

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Mobile Networks and Applications - Machine Learning in Intrusions Detection and Attacks for Smart IoT Ecosystem

A smart IoT device could be a healthcare device, a wearable, an industrial robot, a television monitor, or a smart city infrastructure. IoT has a wide range of applications. It is estimated that almost 87 percent of individuals still do not comprehend what the IoT actually means, despite the fact that it seems to be a more industrial term. Detecting these assaults while still meeting IoT requirements requires machine learning-based intrusion detection. Our daily lives are becoming increasingly connected by the Internet of Things, as physical objects are being connected to e-services. Machine Learning (ML) has shown great promise in enhancing the security of the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem by aiding in the detection of intrusions and attacks. IoT networks, with their multitude of connected devices, generate massive volumes of data, and manually analyzing these to identify potential security incidents is a formidable task. ML algorithms, by automatically learning patterns and anomalies in the data, can greatly aid in this endeavor.

Smartphones are expected to be replaced by IoT devices with access to the most current complex information, including confidential information. Increasing attack numbers will result in increasing attack predictor variables. Providing network security for possible attacks in health care systems will be another major challenge of IoT in the industry. Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) are technologies that are used to protect networks. IoT anomaly and attack detection is a growing concern in the IoT ecosystem. With the increased use of IoT infrastructure across all domains, threats and attacks against IoT infrastructure are on the rise. Due to the addition of multiple protocols, primarily from IoT, thousands of assaults are known to occur regularly. Most of these attacks repeat previously identified cyberattacks in minor variations. Even advanced techniques like cryptography have a hard time detecting even tiny mutations in threats over time. As a result of theuccess of ML in numerous big data sectors, cybersecurity has gained attention. While there are significant challenges to employing machine learning for intrusion detection in the IoT ecosystem, the benefits, including improved detection capabilities and automation, make it a worthwhile investment. The key to successful implementation lies in the careful selection of suitable algorithms, attention to privacy and resource constraints, and the integration of emerging technologies.

This special issue emphasizes novel advancements in smart IoT system with the integration of machine learning algorithms for optimizing real-time services. The special issue welcomes contributions from researchers with new perspectives in the field of smart IoT ecosystems. Topics included in the special issue, but not limited to the following:

  • Machine learning in resilient intrusion detection for IoT enabled transportation networks
  • Machine learning in malicious smart contract and intrusion detection system for IoT ecosystem
  • Deep learning in middleware of cyber attacks detection for smart IoT ecosystem
  • Machine learning in malware attack detection protocol for IoT enabled industrial multimedia environment
  • Deep learning in powered intrusion detection system for enhancing of IoT network security
  • Machine learning in intrusion detection of mobile crowd sourcing systems for IoT based smart city applications
  • Machine learning in intrusion detection of IoT for social internet of things
  • Multimodal information-based learning for smart societies and environments
  • Machine learning in distributed multi agent intrusion detection and prevention for cloud IoT environments
  • Machine learning in IoT based privacy preserving anomaly detection for secured mobile IoT ecosystem

Key Dates:Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30-08-2024First notification:  15-10-2024Submission of revised manuscript: 30-12-2024Notification of the re-review:  30-01-2025Final notification: 10-03-2025SI Guest Editors:Dr. Stavros Shiaeles, Associate Professor in Cyber Security, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.Email:; Chad A. Williams, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Central Connecticut State University, USA.Email: cwilliams@ccsu.edu Riccardo Pecori, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Studies eCampus, ItalyEmail: riccardo.pecori@uniecampus.it
