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Mobile Networks and Applications

The Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing

Publishing model:

Mobile Networks and Applications - Mobile Vision based Theory, Analysis and Applications


Vision is one of the most important and widely-used information forms in real world. It includes more content than any other information forms; however, also has larger size than other forms. Today, the developed collection equipment and communication system make visual information increase on the mobile network in a huge amount. Therefore, it becomes important to research in related domains for reducing the size of visual information, providing robust transmission, and improving the carrying capacity of unit data, etc. Also, the wide application for mobile vision has attracted related industry and engineers.

Therefore, this issue intends to give an opportunity for researchers provide their contributions on a variety of mobile vision based theories, analysis and applications, relating the reliable model with strong generalization ability for encoding, recognition and transmission theories, machine models, as well as the applications.

The issue plans to show the current advance of mobile vision, includes both great theoretical innovation and real implementations in this area. The main focus of this special issue will be on the state-of-the-art advances in the studies and emerging applications in following topics. Excellent review articles are also welcome.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scope:

Advance of mobile vision theory Visual classification in mobile network
Visual recognition in mobile network Vison based information fusion in mobile network
Graph computing with mobile vision information Deep learning based mobile visual computing
Vision based social computing with mobile network Vision based radar signal processing
Vision based Wireless communications Remote sensing
Vision based intelligent transportation Visual information processing

Important Dates

Manuscript submission deadline: August 6, 2023

Notification of acceptance: October 8, 2023

Submission of final revised paper: November 5, 2023

Publication of special issue (tentative): Summer of 2024

Submission Procedure

Authors should follow the MONET Journal manuscript format described at the journal site. Manuscripts should be submitted on-line through

A copy of the manuscript should also be emailed to the Guest Editors at the following email address(es) :

Guest Editors:

Lead Guest Editor

Prof. Ting Yang, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China,



Dr. Shuai Wang, Wuhan University, China, 

