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Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics

Philosophy of Medical Research and Practice

Publishing model:

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - Thank you, Julianna Kober!

Lynn Jansen and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Julianna Kober, JD, LLM, for her superb service as managing editor of the journal from December, 2021 through March 2023. Julianna took over when we were far behind in our publication schedule in the wake of production problems wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic (which especially impacted Springer’s staff in India). Julianna quickly learned the intricacies of this complex job from her predecessor, Katie MacDougald, then worked diligently and effectively over the next year to bring us back on track.  Julianna approached her work with care, intelligence, and judgment. We are especially grateful for her devotion to the journal.  Even once she had graduated from her Master’s degree program at Georgetown Law School and had already assumed a full-time job as a clerk for Judge Deborah J. Israel of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in Washington, she continued to work for the journal until we could find a successor. Moreover, she continued selflessly to shepherd our special issue on “Controversial Arguments in Bioethics” through to its publication last month, even though she had formally left the job as managing editor for Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.  Our readers and authors have benefitted greatly from her work, and should share our gratitude to Julianna.  We wish her all the best in her law career. 

Dan Sulmasy 

