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Hendrik Blockeel, KU Leuven

Editor for Special Issues:

Dragos D. Margineantu, Boeing Research & Technology

Advisory Board: 
Peter Flach, University of Bristol
Lise Getoor, University of Maryland
Pat Langley, Arizona State University and ISLE
Foster Provost, New York University
Michèle Sebag, Université Paris-Sud


Gustavo Batista, University of New South Wales
Annalisa Appice, University of Bari 
Tijl De Bie, Ghent University
Albert Bifet, University of Waikato & Télécom Paris
Ulf Brefeld, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Michelangelo Ceci, University of Bari
Jesse Davis, KU Leuven
Krzysztof Dembczynski, Poznan University of Technology
Luc De Raedt, KU Leuven
Emilie Devijver, Université Grenoble-Alpes
Ilias Diakonikolas, University of Wisconsin Madison
Xiaoli Fern, Oregon State University
Paolo Frasconi, University of Florence
Johannes Fürnkranz, Johannes Kepler University Linz
João Gama, University of Porto
Javier Garcia, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Thomas Gärtner, TU Wien
Mingming Gong, University of Melbourne
Barbara Hammer, Bielefeld University
Josiah Hanna, University of Wisconsin
Jose Hernandez-Orallo, Universitat Politècnica de València
Bo Han, Hong Kong Baptist University & RIKEN
Xiaolin Huang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Eyke Hüllermeier, LMU Munich
Giorgiana Ifrim, University College Dublin
Manfred Jaeger, Aalborg University
Nathalie Japkowicz, American University
Dragi Kocev, Jozef Stefan Institute
Kwang-Sung Jun, University of Arizona
Michael Kamp, Ruhr-University Bochum
Lam Nguyen, IBM Research, Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Siegfried Nijssen, UC Louvain
Maria Oskarsdottir, Reykjavik University
Andrea Passerini, University of Trento
Nico Piatkowski, Fraunhofer IAIS
Rita Ribeiro, University of Porto
Marko Robnik-Sikonja, University of Ljubljana
Jan N. van Rijn, Leiden University
Enver Sangineto, University of Modena and Reggio-Emilia
Scott Sanner, University of Toronto
Steven Schockaert, Cardiff University
Karthik Sridharan, Cornell University
Mahito Sugiyama, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN & University of Tokyo
Sicco Verwer, Delft University of Technology
Herna Viktor, University of Ottawa
Willem Waegeman, Ghent University
Lijun Zhang, Nanjing University
Tong Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Qibin Zhao, RIKEN
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University
Arthur Zimek, University of Southern Denmark
Albrecht Zimmermann, University of Caen Normandy
Indre Zliobaite, University of Helsinki

Editorial Board:

Antti Airola, University of Turku
Deepak Ajwani, University College Dublin
Ahmed Alaa, UC Berkeley and UCSF
Giuseppina Andresini, University of Bari Aldo Moro
Peter Auer, Montanuniversität Leoben
Viktor Bengs, LMU Munich
Livio Bioglio, University of Turin
Pavel Brazdil, University of Porto
Gavin Brown, University of Manchester
Wray Buntine, VinUniversity
Robert Busa-Fekete, Google Research
Raffaello Camoriano, Polytechnic University of Turin
Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney
Jaime Cardoso, INESC TEC and University of Porto 
Mattia Cerrato, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Tommaso Cesari, University of Milan
Changyou Chen, University at Buffalo
Corinna Cortes, Google Research, NY
Fabrizio Costa, University of Exeter
Koby Crammer, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Patrick De Causmaecker, KU Leuven
Thomas Demeester, Ghent University
Pedro Domingos, University of Washington
Janardhan Rao Doppa, Washington State University
Lan Du, Monash University
Sebastijan Dumancic, TU Delft
Saso Dzeroski, Jozef Stefan Institute
Tapio Elomaa, Tampere University of Technology
Remi Emonet, Universite Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne
Roberto Esposito, University of Turin
Theodoros Evgeniou, INSEAD
Amir-massoud Farahmand, Vector Institute & University of Toronto
Eibe Frank, University of Waikato
Ad Feelders, University of Utrecht
Stefano Ferilli, University of Bari
Cesar Ferri, Universitat Politècnica de València
James Foulds, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Wei Gao, Nanjing University
Artur d'Avila Garcez, City University of London
Salvador Garcia, Universidad de Granada
Sébastien Gerchinovitz, IRT Saint Exupéry and Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Heitor Murilo Gomes, Victoria University of Wellington
Henry Gouk, University of Edinburgh
Steve Hanneke, Purdue University
Nghia Hoang, Amazon
Jaako Hollmen, Stockholm University
Tamas Horvath, University of Bonn and Fraunhofer IAIS
Dino Ienco, INRAE, UMR TETIS, Montpellier
Alexander Ihler, University of California - Irvine
Hemant Ishwaran, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Szymon Jaroszewicz, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Alípio Jorge, University of Porto
Alexander Jung, Aalto University
Kristian Kersting, Technische Universitat Darmstadt
Yun Sing Koh, University of Auckland
Aryeh Kontorovich, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Stefan Kramer, TU Munich
Georg Krempl, Utrecht University
Meelis Kull, University of Tartu
Ondrej Kuzelka, Czech Technical University
James Kwok, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Heather Terran Lane, athenahealth
Niels Landwehr, University of Hildesheim
Mark Last, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Nada Lavrac, J. Stefan Institute
Fuxin Li, Oregon State University
Yu-Feng Li, Nanjing University
Zifan Li, Yale University and Facebook
Marco Lippi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Francesca A. Lisi,  Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
Bo Liu, George Mason University
Feng Liu, University of Melbourne
Tongliang Liu, University of Sydney
Sofus A. Macskassy, LinkedIn
Marco Maggini, University of Siena
Sebastian Mair, Uppsala University
Donato Malerba, University of Bari "Aldo Moro"
Giuseppe Manco, National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Yishay Mansour, Tel-Aviv University
Fernando  Martínez-Plumed, Technical University of Valencia
Wannes Meert, KU Leuven
Ernestina Menasalvas, Technical University of Madrid
Pasquale Minervini, University College London
Felix Mohr, Universidad de La Sabana
Mehryar Mohri, Google Research and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Paolo Morettin, KU Leuven
Thomas Mortier, Ghent University
Stephen Muggleton, Imperial College London
Kevin Murphy, University of British Columbia 
Sriraam Natarajan, University of Texas
Alexandru Niculescu-Mizil, NEC Laboratories America
Gang Niu, RIKEN
Thach Le Nguyen, University College Dublin
Quang M. Nguyen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ronald Ortner, Montanuniversität Leoben
Aline Paes, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Tapio Pahikkala, University of Turku
Vincenzo Pasquadibisceglie, University of Bari Aldo Moro
Michael J. Pazzani, University of California-San Diego
Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology
Ruggero G. Pensa, University of Turin
Lorenzo Perini, KU Leuven
Bernhard Pfahringer, The University of Waikato
Gianvito Pio, University of Bari Aldo Moro
Andre Ponce de Carvalho, University of Sao Paulo
Pascal Poupart, University of Waterloo
Jan Ramon, INRIA-Lille
Huzefa Rangwala, George Mason University
Balaraman Ravindran, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Jesse Read, Ecole Polytechnique - Paris
Ievgen Redko, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne
Bastian Rieck, Helmholtz Munich
Jan N. van Rijn, Leiden University
Diederik M. Roijers, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & City of Amsterdam
Maytal Saar-Tsechansky, The University of Texas at Austin
Lorenza Saitta, University of Piemonte Orientale
Claude Sammut, University of New South Wales
Vitor Santos Costa, University of Porto
Raul Santos-Rodriguez, University of Bristol
Jeff Schneider, Carnegie Mellon University
Matthias Schubert, LMU Munich
Stephen Scott, University of Nebraska
Konstantinos Sechidis, Novartis Pharma AG
Yevgeny Seldin, University of Copenhagen
Nikola Simidjievski, University of Cambridge
Gustav Šír, Czech Technical University
Blaž Škrlj, Jozef Stefan Institute
Kate Smith-Miles, University of Melbourne
Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin
Erik Štrumbelj, University of Ljubljana
Prasad Tadepalli, Oregon State University, USA
Mohammad Sadegh Talebi, University of Copenhagen
Nikolaj Tatti, University of Helsinki
Romain Tavenard, University of Rennes
Stefano Teso, University of Trento
Trang H. Tran, Cornell University
Ivor Tsang, University of Technology Sydney
Panayiotis Tsaparas, University of Ioannina
Grigorios Tsoumakas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Nick Vannieuwenhoven, KU Leuven
Joaquin Vanschoren, Eindhoven University of Technology
Gaël Varoquaux, INRIA
Celine Vens, KU Leuven
Vincent Vercruyssen, KU Leuven
Antonio Vergari, University of Edinburgh
Jan Verwaeren, Ghent University
Ricardo Vilalta, University of Houston
Willem Waegeman, University of Ghent
Geoff Webb, Monash University
Junfeng Wen, University of Alberta
Stefan Wrobel, Fraunhofer IAIS and University of Bonn
Eric Xing, Carnegie Mellon University
Linli Xu, University of Science and Technology of China
Akihiro Yamamoto, Kyoto University
Jiangchao Yao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Quanming Yao, Tsinghua University
Gerson Zaverucha, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 
Filip Zelezny, Czech Technical University
He Zhao, CSIRO's Data61
Yuke Zhu, The University of Texas at Austin
