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The Journal of Ethics

An International Philosophical Review

Publishing model:

The Journal of Ethics - Instructions for Book Symposium

The Journal of Ethics accepts symposia on books by leading scholars on topics of broad interest.


1.  A proposal for a book symposium must be submitted to (one of the) Editors-in-Chief, Wim Dubbink or Noah Lemos and must include information on the organizer, the book discussed and its author, as well as the respondents and the general nature of their response.

2. The decision on accepting a book symposium proposal is a joint decision by the Editors-in Chief.

3.  The symposium must include a summary of the book written by the author (max. 6000 words).

4.  Three to four commentaries of max 4500 words.

5.  A rejoinder by the author is allowed for but should become too specialized.

6.  All submissions must go through the EM system choosing “Book Review” from the drop down menu [normal procedure].

7.  All submissions go through a special review procedure. There will be only one reviewer and this reviewer will be an Associate Editor of The Journal of Ethics. The reviewer has the right to reject the book symposium as a whole or individual contributions.

8.  Upon acceptance of the book symposium, the organizer writes a one-page editorial for the symposium issue it will be published in.
