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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine - Biomineralization in health and disease: Bridging across length scales

Guest Editors:

Furqan A. Shah, PhD 
Anders Palmquist, PhD
Department of Biomaterials, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Submission Status: Open
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025

Biological tissues are structurally and functionally optimized materials developed by nature. We propose a topical collection focusing on biomineralization and advanced characterization techniques in the realm of biological and pathological calcification. This collection takes a deep dive into the mechanisms of biomineralization, spotlighting advancements in characterizing processes across scales – from atomic to macroscopic – with examples encompassing bone and tooth formation, showcasing the precision of mineral deposition for structurally robust tissues. Furthermore, the special collection will emphasize the transition from regular biomineralization to pathological calcification observed in conditions like atherosclerosis, kidney stones, and osteoarthritis. It will highlight innovative techniques that offer insights into molecular, cellular, and structural changes associated with these pathological processes.

Contributions can include original research, reviews, and advancements in experimental and computational domains, aiming to foster collaborations among researchers from diverse fields like biology, materials science, chemistry, and medicine. By comprehensively addressing the complexities of biomineralization and pathological calcification, this collection will provide an essential platform for discussing advances in characterization techniques, deeper disease understanding, and potential intervention strategies, thereby serving as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners striving to comprehend calcification in various biological contexts.

Submission instructions:
All submitted articles must be original, unpublished, and not currently under review elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated and accepted on a rolling basis.

Please ensure to select the relevant special issue name as a response to the question β€œAre you submitting this manuscript to a Special Issue?” under the Additional Information section during the submission stage.

The Guest Editors together with the Editors-in-Chief will oversee the editorial and peer-review process. 
