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Journal of Insect Conservation

An international journal devoted to the conservation of insects and related invertebrates

Publishing model:

Journal of Insect Conservation - Abstract: Implications for insect conservation

© Motortion / Getty Images / iStockAll manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Insect Conservation must now include in the abstract what implications for insect conservation are addressed. As a journal which primarily focuses on conservation efforts, we hope that by asking authors to include a brief summary at the end of their abstract on the significance that their research has on insect conservation, it will help to provide our readers with a concise and clear indication on what conservation consequences the article conveys.

The new abstract format is described below (this information is also present in the Submission Guidelines for the journal).

Abstracts should be structured with a background, main body of the article and short conclusion. For research articles, the abstract structure should follow the format of a traditional scientific article and would typically have the following sections: Introduction, Aims/Methods, Results, Discussion. For reviews and short notes, the inclusion of abstract sections is up to the individual authors, although changes might be requested.

All manuscripts (irrespective of article type) submitted to the Journal of Insect Conservation must end their abstract with a subsection titled ‘Implications for insect conservation’, in which authors are expected to provide a brief (1 – 2 sentences) description on the conservation implications that their article addresses. 

Example conservation summary: Implications for insect conservation: Our results show that native cover crops enhance foliar arthropod diversity over and above exotic cover crops and contributes to farm-scale compositional heterogeneity. It therefore has potential to reduce arthropod diversity loss within farmlands and to contribute to more resilient vineyard agroecosystems.”
