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The International Journal of Aquatic Sciences

Publishing model:

Hydrobiologia - Topical Collections

The journal Hydrobiologia publishes the following Topical Collections:

Aquatic ecosystem functioning

This collection deals with studies on the functions and processes of plants, animals, and microbes in aquatic habitats, understanding the effects that these functions (e.g., feeding, growing, reproducing, moving, excreting) have on the abiotic conditions of their environment. Any biological process that takes place within aquatic ecosystems, including geochemical and physical processes related to biology, will be considered.

Aquatic invasive species

This collection focuses on research performed to understand the patterns and processes involved in invasive alien species in aquatic habitats. The ultimate goal of the collection is to understand how to counteract the negative effects of invasive species in aquatic environments.

Biogeography of aquatic organisms

This collection gathers studies dealing with spatially explicit studies on patterns and processes in the distribution and dispersal of aquatic organisms.

Ecology of aquatic microorganisms

This collection refers to research on any ecological topic focused on aquatic microorganisms, including prokaryotes and microscopic eukaryotes.

Evolutionary aquatic biology

This collection focuses on studies on aquatic organisms dealing with evolutionary approaches, for example (but not exhaustive) on evo-devo, evolutionary ecology, phylogenetics and adaptations to the environment.

Functional ecology of aquatic organisms

This collection focuses on the ecological patterns and processes related to the roles (=functions) that aquatic species play in the community or ecosystem in which they occur. Physiological traits, anatomical features, and life history characteristics of the species are emphasized in integrative approaches, using organism functional traits to understand community dynamics and ecosystem processes.

Global change in water ecosystems

This collection includes research on the effects of the anthropogenically driven environmental changes on aquatic organisms, their habitats, and biogeochemical cycles at a planetary scale, including, but not exhaustively: global warming, ocean acidification, eutrophication and desertification.

Local anthropogenic effects in aquatic environments

This collection includes research on the effects of anthropogenic activities on aquatic biota, focusing on effects at the local to regional scales.

What is a Topical Collection?
A continuous collection of papers on a broad topic that falls within the discipline of the journal. Articles included in a Topical Collection are published continuously and not assigned to one issue as e.g. special issue articles. They are published online first immediately upon acceptance so publication is not delayed. 

Publication in a Topical Collection provides an additional possibility to draw the attention of the audience to an article. All papers are pre-screened by the Editors and the Editorial Board and reviewed by at least two external experts.

How to submit?
Submit your article to one of the Topical Collections via Editorial Manager or by clicking on the Submit manuscript button in the right menu. During submission you will be asked if you are submitting to a Topical Collection.

How to submit to a Topical Collection
