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Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Virtual Issue

First Virtual Issue Available

Our virtual issues focus on cutting-edge topics and present key articles which have been published in the journal over the course of the last years.

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Sustainable Phosphorus

Compared with other nutrients, the biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus (P), together with that of nitrogen, is one of the most dramatically altered by human activities, and especially by the rapidly increasing use of P fertilizers over recent decades. Global models estimate that the flux of P from the land to rivers and oceans has more than doubled since the start of the industrial era, with negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems through their eutrophication. These now endemic environmental impacts are the obvious warning signs of the uncontrolled management of P driven by the need to grow more food.. Phosphorus is a key factor controlling the net primary productivity and species assemblages in many natural terrestrial ecosystems, and hence in many agroecosystems as well. Global models predict that climate change and nitrogen deposition will disrupt both natural and managed ecosystems, with potential negative feedbacks from the biogeochemical cycles of the most limiting nutrients such as P and micronutrients. Understanding such feedback loops of P availability in soils and sediments on the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen, including stoichiometric constraints, is vital for future food security, ecosystem services, environmental protection and biodiversity. In addition, phosphate rock is a finite resource whose future availability is becoming increasingly bleak. As a consequence, the increasing cost of P fertilizers is a major concern for achieving the agricultural intensification required to feed an ever-growing world population, notwithstanding the geopolitical issues related with the uneven distribution of phosphate rock deposits. There is thus a pressing need to adequately face these various P-related issues with a holistic approach, in order to more efficiently use this precious resource. An effective strategy must include minimizing the P losses all along the production/consumption chain, more effective recycling and recovery of P in our wastes and redesigning our agricultural farming systems to make them more efficient and sustainable.

SPS 2014 is the fourth of a young and successful series of Sustainable Phosphorus Summits that was launched in Linköping (Sweden) in 2010, as part of the GPRI, Global Phosphorus Research Initiative, and follows in the footsteps of the last SPS in Sydney (Australia) in 2012, which produced the Blueprint for Global Phosphorus Security. Coming to the Mediterranean basin at Montpellier (France) will facilitate the participation and necessary interaction of African scientists, and other developing countries, where P sustainability is a major concern.

The primary aim of this multidisciplinary event is to define the global agenda for research priorities, and to integrate P-related issues across scales, geographical regions and scientific domains. To do so, it will bring together scientists and stakeholders worldwide, including developing and emerging countries, to foster exchange of views across disciplines and societal sectors. In order to better improve P use efficiency along the entire food chain, raising public awareness is a major issue, as well as re-thinking education and learning on this topic. Participatory research and co-learning will thus be central to this event. SPS 2014 will take place from 1st to 3rd September 2014, i.e. immediately after the 5th International Symposium on Phosphorus in Soils and Plants to be held also in Montpellier from 26th to 29th August 2014, that will focus on the dynamics of P in the soil/plant continuum.

Over the last four years, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems has published about 70 papers dealing with P. This virtual issue is a selection of 22 papers published between 2011 and 2014, and 3 highly-cited, older papers, covering most of the main scientific themes to be addressed at SPS 2014. The papers have been classified according to the SPS sessions, i.e.(i) Phosphorus in our world (i.e. P cycling at global level and large scales), (ii) Phosphorus in our resources and environment, (iii) Phosphorus in our fields and food, (iv) Phosphorus in our wastes. After SPS 2014, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems will prepare a special issue on P resource management based on a selection of the best communications from the Summit.

We wish everyone an enjoyable and productive summit and look forward to receiving manuscripts to be part of the forthcoming SPS 2014 - Sustainable Phosphorus Summit special issue of Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

Philippe Hinsinger (Chair of the SPS 2014 International Scientific Committee)

Thomas Nesme and Paul J.A. Withers (Guest Editors of the forthcoming Special Issue)

Processes controlling soil phosphorus release to runoff and implications for agricultural management

R.W. McDowell, A.N. Sharpley, L.M. Condron, P.M. Haygarth, P.C. Brookes

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Change in soil available phosphorus in relation to the phosphorus budget in China

Ning Cao, Xinping Chen, Zhenling Cui, Fusuo Zhang

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Regional-scale phosphorus flows and budgets within France: The importance of agricultural production systems

Kalimuthu Senthilkumar, Thomas Nesme, Alain Mollier, Sylvain Pellerin

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Assessing phosphorus management among organic farming systems: a farm input, output and budget analysis in southwestern France

Thomas Nesme, Maxime Toublant, Alain Mollier, Christian Morel, Sylvain Pellerin

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Phosphorus budget and phosphorus availability in soils under organic and conventional farming

F. Oehl, A. Oberson, H.U. Tagmann, J.M. Besson,

D. Dubois, P. Mäder, H.-R. Roth, E. Frossard

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Developments in soil phosphorus status in a recently reclaimed polder in the Netherlands

Arjan Reijneveld, Oene Oenema

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Available soil phosphorus, phosphorus buffering and soil cover determine most variation in phosphorus concentration in runoff from pastoral sites

M. R. Hart, P. S. Cornish

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Horizontal nutrient flows and balances in irrigated urban gardens of Khartoum, Sudan

Sahar Babiker Abdalla, Martina Predotova, Jens Gebauer, Andreas Buerkert

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Fluctuating water table effect on phosphorus release and availability from a Florida Spodosol

Augustine K. Obour, Maria L. Silveira, Joao M. B. Vendramini, Lynn E. Sollenberger, George A. O’Connor

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Soil order and management practices control soil phosphorus fractions in managed wetland ecosystems


B. A. Linquist, M. D. Ruark, J. E. Hill

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Effect of dairy manure slurry application in a no-till system on phosphorus runoff

Keisha N. Johnson, Peter J. A. Kleinman, Douglas B. Beegle,

Herschel A. Elliott, Lou S. Saporito

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Phosphorus loss by surface runoff from agricultural field plots with different cropping systems

Pingjin Jiao, Di Xu, Shaoli Wang, Tiequan Zhang

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Agronomic and environmental aspects of phosphate fertilizers varying in source and solubility: an update review

S. H. Chien, L. I. Prochnow, S. Tu, C. S. Snyder

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Influence of topography and land management on soil nutrients variability in Northeast China

Shaoliang Zhang, Xingyi Zhang, Ted Huffman, Xiaobing Liu, Jingyi Yang

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Fertilizer inputs, nutrient balance and soil nutrient supplying power in intensive, irrigated rice system. III. Phosphorus

A. Dobermann, K. G. Cassman, P. C. Sta.Cruz, M. A. A. Adviento, M. F. Pampolino

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Residual phosphorus effects and nitrogen × phosphorus interactions in soybean–maize rotations on a P-deficient Ferralsol

E. Vandamme, P. Pypers, B. Vanlauwe, F. Baijukya, E. Smolders, R. Merckx

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Disentangling the drivers of fertilising material inflows in organic farming

Benjamin Nowak, Thomas Nesme, Christophe David, Sylvain Pellerin

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Phosphorus and potassium balance in a corn–soybean rotation under no-till and chiseling

J. C. Calonego, C. A. Rosolem

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Process-based mass-balance modeling of soil phosphorus availability in a grassland fertilized with N and P

Aimé J. Messiga, Noura Ziadi, Gilles Bélanger, Christian Morel

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Comparing of the difference and balance methods to calculate percent recovery of fertilizer phosphorus applied to soils: a critical discussion

S. H. Chien, F. J. Sikora, R. J. Gilkes, M. J. McLaughlin

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An analysis of farmers’ use of phosphorus fertiliser in industrial agriculture: a case study in the Bordeaux region (south-western France)

Thomas Nesme, Samuel Brunault, Alain Mollier, Sylvain Pellerin

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Response of intensively grazed ryegrass dairy pastures to fertiliser phosphorus and potassium

M. D. A. Bolland, I. F. Guthridge, G. Blincow

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The significance of available nutrient fluxes in N and P budgets for maize cropping on a Rhodic Kandiustox: a study with compost, NP fertilizer and stubble removal

S. Pinitpaitoon, R. W. Bell, A. Suwanarit

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Accumulation of phosphorus fractions in typic Hapludalf soil after long-term application of pig slurry and deep pig litter in a no-tillage system

Renato Guardini, Jucinei José Comin, Djalma Eugênio Schmitt, Tales Tiecher, Marcos Antônio Bender, Danilo Rheinheimer dos Santos, Célito Pescador Mezzari, Bruno Salvador Oliveira, Luciano Colpo Gatiboni, Gustavo Brunetto

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Effectiveness of recycled P products as P fertilizers, as evaluated in pot experiments

Ricardo Cabeza, Bernd Steingrobe, Wilhelm Römer, Norbert Claassen

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