Aims and scope
The conceptual foundations of physics have been constantly revised since the discipline’s earliest days, and this continues today. Discussion of foundational issues has always been a major tool for progress, on par with observations, experiments, mathematics and theoretical modelling.
Today, insightful reflection on the conceptual structures of physics is of particular importance, given the nature of open problems such as understanding the quantum properties of gravity, the nature of measurement in quantum mechanics, the primary cause of irreversibility, or the role of information in physics.
Foundations of Physics provides a forum for discussing such fundamental issues at the highest professional level, among scientists, mathematicians and philosophers. The journal welcomes papers on conceptual and foundational aspects of topics including (but not limited to) special and general relativity, quantum theory, classical and quantum field theory, quantum gravity, unified theories, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, cosmology and information theory.
The journal welcomes both research and review-type articles, which may be in the form of perspective papers or essays. Prospective authors of review-type articles are encouraged to first contact the Editor-in-Chief with their proposal. The journal also welcomes proposals for topical collections that review novel developments from different perspectives. The journal may invite shorter contributions that raise valuable discussion points as “Letters-to-the-Editor”. Foundations of Physics also publishes book reviews; prospective authors should contact the journal’s book review editor.
Considering the broad appeal of the topics addressed by the journal, and the correspondingly high number of submissions from professionals and non-professionals alike, the journal does not assume any obligation to prove or disprove the correctness or relevance of the manuscripts submitted. The acceptance or rejection of a paper, whether directly or after consultation with reviewers, reflects the judgement of the current editorial board. In particular, the journal reserves the right to desk-reject contributions without further explanation. Appeals are possible. It is at the discretion of the acting Editor-in-Chief to grant or deny an appeal. Likewise, acceptance of a paper does not imply endorsement of its content; rather, it reflects the editorial board’s judgement regarding the contribution’s relevance and quality.