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Experimental Astronomy

Astrophysical Instrumentation and Methods

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Experimental Astronomy - Published Special Issue: Science with the Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph (CUBES)

The Experimental Astronomy journal is pleased to present the Special Issue "Science with the Cassegrain U-Band Efficient Spectrograph (CUBES)", organized by the editors:

Stefano Cristiani (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Italy)

Chris Evans (European Space Agency, STScI, USA)

Martin Barstow (University of Leicester, UK)


The full collection of papers is available for free access, for two months, starting on April 3rd 2023.

Follow this link to access all papers:

"CUBES will provide the VLT with a unique capability and will open-up new discovery space for a broad range of astrophysics. The near UV contains a tremendous diversity of iron-peak and heavy elements in stellar spectra, as well as some lighter elements (notably beryllium) and light-element molecules (CO, CN, OH). The near-UV is also important for extragalactic science, such as studies of the interstellar and circumgalactic medium (CGM) of distant galaxies, in measuring the contribution of different types of galaxies to the cosmic UV background, and follow-up of explosive transients. Closer to home, significantly improved sensitivity at the shortest (ground-based) wavelengths will also provide exciting new opportunities in solar system science." - Evans, C., Cristiani, S., Opitom, C. et al. The CUBES science case. Exp Astron 55, 1–57 (2023). 
