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Experimental Astronomy

Astrophysical Instrumentation and Methods

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Experimental Astronomy - Experimental Astronomy Updates to journal’s Aims & Scope

February 2023

The Experimental Astronomy journal frequently revises its scope in order to stay updated with the needs of the Astronomy and Planetary Science instrumentation community. The new version of the Aims & Scope maintains all topics from the previous version and expands upon it, by giving more emphasis to Multi-messenger Astronomy and Planetary Science. Please visit our Aims & Scope web page:

Updates to Aims and Scope

This update to the Aims and Scope happens in conjunction with two other updates to journal that better positions it within the scope of Multi-messenger Astronomy and Planetary Science research:

- We gladly welcome Dr. Peter Wurz and Dr. Marcello Giroletti to the editorial board team:

- The completion of the Part 2 of the Voyage 2050 Special Issue, “Science themes for ESA’s long-term plan for the science programme: Solar Systems, ours and others”:
