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Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - Calls for Papers

Calls for Papers

Calls for papers, Symposia and Special Issues

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice invites submissions for papers of different length, reviews/review articles, and proposals for special issues. In the future, the journal will consider the following kinds of proposals:

Papers: The word count should not exceed 8.000 words (incl. bibliography and footnotes). The paper should be accompanied by an abstract of 250 words.

Extended Papers: The maximum word count is 15.000 words (incl. bibliography and footnotes) plus an abstract of maximum 250 words. Extended papers will only be considered in exceptional cases. Authors are required to provide with their submission a cover letter explaining why such an extended length is necessary to their argument. 

Comments: The maximum word count is 2.500 words (incl. bibliography and footnotes). Comments are responses to papers previously published in Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, including Online First publications.  

Book Reviews: We are looking for reviews of current books discussing topics within the scope of Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. Reviews should include both a brief description and a critical assessment of the book’s argument and should be between 800 and 1.100 words. Unsolicited reviews will not be accepted; please contact our book reviews editors Alexa Zellentin ( and Ezio Di Nucci ( if you want to suggest a review. 

Review Essays: We publish two different kinds of Review Essays: We welcome themed review essays that cover several new publications on a particular topic. This kind of review essay can be up to 3.000 words in length. Also, in exceptional circumstances, we consider extended book reviews of a single volume which provide an in depth analysis of its arguments; this kind of review article can also be up to 3.000 words. Again we don’t accept unsolicited submissions and you should contact our book reviews editors as above.

All submissions (except book reviews) will undergo the usual peer-review process and must be submitted via the journal’s website:
