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Environmental Biology of Fishes - Call for Papers: Special Issue on The Next Generation of Fisheries Management and Conservation: Actionable Research and Knowledge Co-production

Special Issue of Environmental Biology of Fishes
The Next Generation of Fisheries Management and Conservation: Actionable Research and Knowledge Co-production

We are pleased to announce a Special Issue of Environmental Biology of Fishes that highlights the growing recognition that solving challenges in fisheries management and conservation requires partnership and co-production across academia, governments, not-for-profit organizations, industry, stakeholders, and rights-holding communities. We encourage submissions that emphasize collaborative and inclusive science, particularly those which: 1) showcase the next generation of fisheries and aquatic science professionals; and 2) demonstrate how diverse partnerships among trainees, knowledge holders, and practitioners contribute to generating actionable results for fisheries management and conservation.

While we welcome all submissions that meet these criteria and fall within the overall scope of the journal (Environmental Biology of Fishes | Aims and scope (, we specifically call for articles in four themes that represent major pathways for addressing the management and conservation of freshwater fishes and fisheries resources: 1) ecosystem and habitat assessment; 2) fisheries ecology; 3) fish health and fitness; and 4) fish culture.

In addition to framing manuscripts to ensure that the link between the research topic and the Special Issue theme is evident, we invite contributors to devote a section or short passage of their manuscript to describing their partnerships, positionality, and/or trainee-led initiatives and how these collaborations have enriched their research process and outcomes.

This Special Issue will serve as a venue for multiple forms of articles that progress knowledge in fisheries management and conservation, including original research articles, brief communications, or synthesis/review articles, following the submission guidelines for Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Authors can submit manuscripts to be considered for this Special Issue by clicking on the Submit manuscript button and using the Editorial Manager procedure on the journal website. At the time of submission, authors will be asked if their manuscript belongs to a Special Issue, upon which they can select SI: Next Generation of Fish Management.

All manuscripts will be considered on their own merits for review and eventual rejection or acceptance following standard journal procedures. Individual manuscripts will be published electronically online as soon as they are accepted. All accepted manuscripts will then be assembled and published as a Special Issue in one of the journal's print issues.

Submission deadline: November 30, 2024

Guest Editors:

Christine L. Madliger (
Brooklynne M. Litke (
Emily McKenzie (
Markelle Morphet (
Morgan L. Piczak (
Christina A. D. Semeniuk (
