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Environmental and Resource Economics

The Official Journal of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Publishing model:

Environmental and Resource Economics - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Environmental Economics and Economic Dynamics

The NED (Nonlinear Economic Dynamics) conference provides a platform for an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas between researchers in economics and mathematics to understand economic dynamics from several viewpoints and for the study of a vast range of economic problems. Over the years, increasing attention has been devoted to the interaction between economic and environmental dynamics. This issue has recently been prioritised by several academic scholars, politicians and governments all around the world pinpointing well-known concerns about the environment (e.g., climate change, demographic-economic-environmental transitions, etc.).

The main goal of this special issue is to integrate environmental economics and economic dynamics (both at the micro and macro levels) possibly also considering the related public policies.

The following topics are of interest (but not exclusively):
• Nonlinear interactions between economic and environmental dynamics
• Game theoretic approaches to environmental issues
• Economic development and the environment
• Interaction amongst environmental concerns, infectious diseases and related policy interventions
• Balanced budget policies, public debt, and the financing of instruments to fight climate change

Submissions related to dynamic issues within each of these contexts are welcome.
The call is open both to contributors who had presented their work at NED 2023 as well as external scholars.

Papers submitted for consideration for publication in this special issue in EARE are expected to be theoretical, but different applications of nonlinear dynamics to various fields and topics in environmental economics are welcome. Papers must strictly follow the journal’s guidelines.

• Submission deadline: 31 October, 2024
• Publication of the special issue: 2025

Guest editors:
Simone Borghesi (European University Institute, Florence, and University of Siena, Italy), lead guest editor
Luca Gori (University of Pisa, Italy), for inquiries
Jochen Jungeilges (University of Agder, Norway)
Mauro Sodini (University of Naples Federico II, Italy, and Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)

How to submit:
Manuscripts should be original and written in English. Submission requires that the manuscript has not been submitted for review or publication elsewhere and that it will not be submitted elsewhere while the review process is underway. All papers go through peer review by at least two experts.
Papers should be submitted online via Please select ‘Environmental Economics and Economic Dynamics’ in the Article Type drop-down menu.
Details about the preparation of the manuscript can be obtained from the journal's webpage at
