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Dialectical Anthropology - Top 5 Downloads: Open Access

Dialectical anthropology covers a vast scope of intellectual inquiry, dealing with topics that are both timely and timeless through a dialectical lens that always affords more food for thought. This is strongly apparent in the journal's list of top downloaded articles of all time, since the journal's inception in 1975. Within the top twenty, there are some published as recently as 2019 ("Understanding Labour Politics in an Age of Precarity") and one more than twenty years ago in 2001 ("Collective Effervescence and Communitas: Processual Models of Ritual and Society in Emile Durkheim and Victor Turner") 

With this update (as well as a partner one to follow), we'd like to highlight the journal articles that have helped make Dialectical Anthropology the pillar journal that it is today. This is the list of top 5 downloaded Open Access articles of all time:

Reed Jr., Adolph. Antiracism: a neoliberal alternative to a left. 42, 105–115 (2018). This article has been downloaded a whopping 68,781 times, which translates to more than 17,000 times a year and about 50 times a day. It has also drummed up a significant amount of attention on social media, with an Altmetric score of 154. 

Baban, Feyzi. Nationalism and the crisis of community in the Middle East. 42, 351–357 (2018). This one has been downloaded over 20,000 times since its publication in 2018, for a total of 5,000 times a year.

Toor, Saadia. Imperialist feminism redux. 36, 147–160 (2012). Dr. Toor's article has been downloaded 13887 times, and remains a subject of much discussion on social media, with an Altmetric score of 246, far outstripping that of the first article above despite being written in 2012.

Ashraf, Hasan and Rebecca Prentice. Beyond factory safety: labor unions, militant protest, and the accelerated ambitions of Bangladesh’s export garment industry. 43, 93–107 (2019). It has been downloaded 13,844 times.

Snajdr, Edward. Beneath the master narrative: human trafficking, myths of sexual slavery and ethnographic realities. 37, 229–256 (2013). It has been downloaded 12,705 times.  

 As these have all been published as Open Access articles, anyone is able to read them free of charge. Next, we will post a partner list of the top 5 downloaded subscription article requests, which have been made temporarily free to access. If you have any questions about opportunities to publish Open Access articles in the journal (or would like to get further information about the benefits of publishing OA in our journals), please don't hesitate to reach out to the Editors or to any of the individuals listed on the journal's "Contact the journal" page.
