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Crime, Law and Social Change

An Interdisciplinary Journal

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Crime, Law and Social Change - Furthering SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Springer Nature is dedicated to supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  The Editors of Crime, Law and Social Change invite you to enjoy a collection of recent articles that fall within the framework of SDG 16, “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.”

Female Offenders of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, by Miriam Wijkman & Edward Kleemans (Open Access)

Human Trafficking for Sex, Labour and Domestic Servitude: How do Key Trafficking Types Compare and What Are Their Predictors? by Ella Cockbain and Kate Bowers (Open Access)

Explaining the Crime Drop: Contributions to Declining Crime Rates from Youth Cohorts since 2005 by Gwyn Griffiths and Gareth Norris (Open Access)

The Surprising Case of Police Bribery Reduction in South Africa by Caryn Peiffer, Heather Marquette, Rosita Armytage and Trevor Budhram (Open Access)

Identifying Trafficked Migrants and Refugees Along the Balkan Route: Exploring the Boundaries of Exploitation, Vulnerability and Risk by Anette Brunovskis and Rebecca Surtees (Open Access)

Breaking Democracy: Illegal Political Finance and Organized Crime in Guatemala  by Laura Sanz-Levia and Fernando Jiménez-Sánchez

Crafting Anti-Corruption Agencies’ Bureaucratic Reputation: An Uphill Battle by Nicholas Bautista-Beauchesne

Is Globalization Linked to Low Corruption in OECD Countries?  by Ali Madanipour and Michael F. Thompson

The Nature of Organized Crime Leadership: Criminal Leaders in Meeting and Wiretap Networks by Francesco Calderoni and Elisa Superchi

Anti-Immigration Sentiment and Public Opinion on Human Trafficking by Ieke de Vries, Connor Nickerson, Amy Farrell, Dana E. Wittmer-Wolfe and Vanessa Bouché
