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Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy - Call for papers: Topical Collections from CELMEC VIII

The Eighth International Meeting on Celestial Mechanics (CELMEC VIII) will take place at the University of Rome Tor Vergata from 5-9 September 2022.

CELMEC VIII has reached an agreement with the journal Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy to allow the publication of original papers presented at the meeting in two special issues.

Please, keep in mind that these special issues should not be considered as conference proceedings, therefore only original research papers will be accepted and will undergo the usual refereeing procedure: all papers will be reviewed by referees appointed by the journal editors and in agreement with the journal rules. Of course, if a paper is not included in the Topical Collection, it will appear in normal issues anyway.

The titles of these Topical Collections are:

The deadline for submitting the papers will be 15 December 2022. Once accepted, the papers will be immediately published and inserted in the Topical Collection. This means that there will be no delay in the publication, since it is not necessary that the articles appear all at the same time.

Manuscripts should be submitted via the link on the journal homepage: (please select the respective collection title).


For each of the two Topical Collections of CM&DA, a prize will be awarded to the best original research work submitted, showing innovative theoretical and/or numerical methods in Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics.

APPLICATION: The applicant is required to send to a short summary (maximum 1 page) in PDF format, including the abstract of the paper or a description of the methods and the main results. A short bibliography can be added.
The applicant should send also a short CV (max 5 pages) in PDF format, including the list of the 10 main publications.

REQUIREMENTS: The applicant, or at least one of the authors, is required to participate to CELMEC. No other specific requirements are needed; in particular, there are no limitations on the age or nationality of the applicant.

SELECTION: a special committee formed by 3 distinguished scientists will select the best work.

DEADLINE: 15 December 2022, at 5 p.m. CET.

PRIZE CEREMONY: for each Topical Collection, one prize will be awarded. The prize ceremony will take place in September 2023 with the delivery of seminars describing the content of the winning papers.

Alessandra Celletti, Giovanni F. Gronchi, Christoph Lhotka, Ugo Locatelli, Gabriella Pinzari, Susanna Terracini [CELMEC VIII committee]
