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Journal of Business Ethics - Book and Media Reviews Guidelines

Book and Media Reviews Guidelines

This section is dedicated to critical reviews of new scholarly and non-scholarly books and media about or relevant to business ethics. While the emphasis of this section is on books, we also welcome reviews of other media, as well as mixed media reviews, where a book is discussed together with another work (e.g., a book and a film, a book and a game, a book and a music album or a song). We invite submissions of two types:

1. Short reviews

Short reviews review one or two works, with a length between 1,500 and 2,500 words (including references). Short reviews may not be sent out for external review, or may go through a simplified peer-review process.

2. Review essays

Review essays present in-depth discussions of the works reviewed, with a maximum length of 7,000 words (including references). They should provide a critical and original analysis that stimulates broader dialogue and inspires new developments in the business ethics field. Review essays go through a regular peer-review process.

Manuscripts should be submitted directly through Editorial Manager, the Journal’s editorial system; authors should specify the type of review that they are submitting in their cover letter. Please send any inquiries to
