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Brain Topography

A Journal of Cerebral Function and Dynamics

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Journal updates

  • Call for Papers: Special Issue on Microstates in EEG/MEG and ERP Research

    The Microstate analysis approach has become increasingly popular in EEG research. It decomposes the multichannel EEG in brief periods of stable scalp potential map topographies lasting for fractions of seconds. Both spontaneous EEG, as well as event-related potentials (ERPs) can be represented as a continuous series of stable brain states.

    We seek high-quality original contributions, reviews, meta-analyses and opinion papers using the EEG/ERP microstate segmentation approach.

    Submission deadline: 31 May 2023

  • The Best of Brain Topography 2020-2021

    We are showcasing the top articles from Brain Topography, published in 2020 and 2021. This collection features the highlights of the latest academic research. We hope you enjoy your free reading!
