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Brain Topography

A Journal of Cerebral Function and Dynamics

Publishing model:

Brain Topography - Call for Papers: Special Issue on Microstates in EEG/MEG and ERP Research

Guest Editors: Christoph Michel (University of Geneva & Editor in Chief, Brain Topography), Lucie Bréchet (University of Geneva), Bastian Schiller (University of Freiburg) and Thomas Koenig (University of Bern)

Submission status                                  Open

Open for submission from                    1 October 2022

Pre-submission inquiry deadline         31 January 2023

Submission deadline                             31 May 2023

The Microstate analysis approach has become increasingly popular in EEG research. It decomposes the multichannel EEG in brief periods of stable scalp potential map topographies lasting for fractions of seconds. Both spontaneous EEG, as well as event-related potentials (ERPs) can be represented as a continuous series of stable brain states.

We seek high-quality original contributions, reviews, meta-analyses and opinion papers using the EEG/ERP microstate segmentation approach.

Thematic areas include, but are not limited to:

- The functional significance of microstates

- Microstates as biomarkers for neuropsychiatric diseases

- Inter- and intrasubject variability of microstates

- Relation of microstates to oscillations and synchronization

- New and innovative approaches to define the optimal number of microstates

- New and innovative statistical analysis approaches

- Tracking the spatio-temporal dynamics of mental processing using the microstate

- Pharmacological modulations of microstates/microstate parameters

- Microstate sources

- Relation between microstates and other brain mapping (e.g. fMRI) or neurophysiological (e.g. ECoG) results.

Pre-submission inquiries are recommended and should be addressed to Christoph Michel (
