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Biological Invasions - Special Papers: THE ELTON REVIEWS

The Elton Review series in Biological Invasions is named in recognition of Charles Elton, whose 1958 monograph, The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants, called attention to the scope and impacts of invasions. These invited in-depth reviews are written by leading scientists engaged in exciting, groundbreaking research, and we encourage a personal perspective with provocative discussion. Although relevant older work should be discussed, an Elton Review should be less an exercise in literature documentation and rather a forum for synthesizing and presenting ideas to advance the field. A typical Elton Review is 6000 - 8000 words long, with up to 150 references and 8 figures. Prospective authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief about suitability of proposed topics.

Enjoy reading published Elton Reviews.
