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Biogerontology - Special Issue on Dietary interventions for healthy ageing and longevity

Edited by: Gurcharan Kaur, GNDU Amritsar, India & Sandeep Sharma, Calgary, Canada

Submission deadline: July 15, 2022

Testing nutritional and dietary interventions is presently a key research area in ageing research and interventions. Many landmark studies in animal models and humans have provided convincing data demonstrating that nutritional constituents and dietary behavior play a profound role in molding metabolic functions and in mitigating age-related risk for lifestyle diseases. Several variations in caloric restriction and intermittent fasting regimens have been reported to shape metabolic activities, immune functions, gut microbiota, and regulate metabolic homeodynamics in health and longevity.

The journal Biogerontology is therefore announcing a Special Issue calling for papers that explore this topic. Review articles, mini reviews, and original research articles can be submitted to the special issue. Please make sure to select the special issue category “Special Issue: Dietary Interventions” when submitting your manuscript to the journal.

Click HERE to read the articles published so far.
