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Automated Software Engineering - Call for Papers: Foundation Models for Software Engineering

This Special Issue on Foundation Models for Software Engineering in the ASE Journal (ASEJ) seeks to convene experts from the artificial intelligence and software engineering communities, including researchers, practitioners, and educators. Our objective is to collaboratively address the novel challenges presented by the advent of foundation models in our field.

Foundation models include Large Language Models (LLMs, e.g., ChatGPT and Gemeni) and Large Multi-modal Models (LMM, e.g., GPT4V and Gemeni Pro) have garnered significant attention from both the academic and industrial spheres. In addition to merely processing natural language, foundation models can also understand images and even videos.  In the Software Engineering community, foundation models have been proved to be effective in various areas and tasks, including but not limited to code generation, test case generation, automatical program repair, code review, and software design. Furthermore, the advent of development tools rooted in foundation models, such as GitHub Copilot and Codeium, has markedly enhanced developmental efficiency, thereby gaining widespread popularity among developers.

The Special Issue on Foundation Models for Software Engineering is dedicated to uniting researchers and practitioners with the purpose of exploring innovative avenues in applying large-scale models to various areas and tasks within Software Engineering. This initiative seeks to enhance the efficiency and productivity of developers by leveraging the advanced capabilities of large models.


  1. Foundation Models for Code Generation / Reuse
  2. Foundation Models for Software Quality Assurance (e.g., code review, code summarization, program repairing)
  3. Foundation Models for Requirement Engineering/Software Design
  4. Foundation Models for Software Security and Privacy
  5. Foundation Models for Software Testing and Fuzzing
  6. Foundation Models for Software Supply Chain
  7. Foundation Model Agents for SE tasks
  8. Foundation Models for AIOps
  9. Foundation Models for software supply chain management
  10. Prompt Engineering aspects of Foundation Models in SE tasks
  11. Legal Aspects of Foundation Models in software development


To speed up the review process, and to encourage people to join the ChinaSoft 2024 conference (in Xi`an, China), we setup two rounds of reviews: an ChinaSoft conference round, and a journal round.

In the conference round, authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to the Easychair submission site, You should choose “Foundation Models for Software Engineering Track” in Easychair. The submissions must have not been previously published or considered for publication elsewhere. Please follow the submission guideline ( to download the paper template and prepare for the submission. All submissions must be in English and in PDF format. Each submission will receive at least three high-quality reviews. Each accepted submission must be accompanied by a registration of at least one author and presented at ChinaSoft 2024. Accepted submissions will NOT be published in the conference proceedings.

And in the journal round, only the selected best papers will be invited to submit their revisions to the Automated Software Engineering journal. You should choose SI:FM4SE. The authors should carefully address the comments from the ChinaSoft conference reviewers and prepare a detailed response letter. And these papers will be reviewed by the same three reviewers. Note that only the selected best papers from the ChinaSoft conference round will get invited for possible journal publication, and we do not allow for the new submission for the journal round.

Guest Editors:

Cuiyun Gao, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

Xing Hu, Zhejiang University

Xin Xia, Huawei

Ge Li, Peking University

Draft Deadline:

Chinasoft Conference Round Submission Due: Aug 23, 2024

Chinasoft Conference Round Review Due: Oct 15, 2024

Chinasoft Conference Round Revision Due: Nov 15, 2024

Journal Round Submission Due: Dec 15, 2024
