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Astrophysics and Space Science

An International Journal of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science

Publishing model:

Astrophysics and Space Science - Ap&SS Astronomy Prize Collections - Instructions for Authors


Every year, Astrophysics and Space Science organizes a new edition of the Astronomy Prize Awardees Collection. 

Following the links for all editions: 20222023, and 2024

Submissions are welcome by invitation only. The sections below outline the submission instructions for invited individuals. For any questions, please contact Dr. Fabio Santos at

Each manuscript goes through the normal high standard peer-review process and, upon acceptance, the papers are published online immediately. Then, all papers are organized under a special Topical Collection web page.

Preparing your Manuscript

For first (initial) submissions, we require: 

  • a single file containing your manuscript (Word or PDF); or
  • the LaTeX package of files, which will be compiled at submission. For LaTeX submissions we encourage authors to use the Springer Nature LaTeX template, although other templates are acceptable too. For additional guidelines on how to prepare LaTeX manuscripts, please download this file: Springer Astronomy LaTeX Guidelines

For revised submissions we strongly recommend to upload the editable source files (either Word or LaTeX) together with a PDF of the revised (LaTeX) manuscript for reference. We can process a PDF-only submission, but upon acceptance source files are mandatory and providing source files after acceptance may delay production.

The syntax of references should follow the model "Author et al. (year)" as described here. Note that if you decide to use the SN LaTeX Template, this referencing style can be produced by using the “sn-basic” document class:

To ensure a smooth submission process, please include a Declarations section at the end of your manuscript, as described here.

Please also refer to the journal’s submission guidelines and contact the journal if you have any questions.


To access the submission portal, please visit the main journal web page and click at “Submit manuscript”. To indicate a submission to this collection, follow the instructions to access the portal, and once you reach the “Details” tab, please select “(Year) Astronomy Prize Awardees Collection” from the Collection drop-down list, for example:20xx_apss_astroprize_ifa

Submissions should be preferably submitted no later than October 31st of the current year, but please contact Dr. Fabio Santos, ( if you are unable to meet that deadline.

Publishing Options

We offer two routes for publishing your manuscripts:

“Traditional” subscription model

Papers are published online without any costs to authors, and can be accessed, for example, through an institutional subscription. In addition, we encourage authors to use SharedIT to be able to share, easily and legally, a view-only full-text version of the published article with colleagues and general audiences.

Open Access model

The papers are published online and are immediately available for anyone to access for free. Depending on the corresponding author's affiliation, you might be eligible to publish OA at no costs to you as an author. This is because Ap&SS benefits from Springer Nature’s Transformative Agreements, so that authors from a variety of countries and institutes are eligible to publish OA at no costs. Please learn more about this option under the Transformative Agreement section of this web page. If you are not eligible through a Transformative Agreement, you can still publish OA through the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC) - see fees and funding for more details. 


For articles that are not published Open Access, we will provide free access for 2 months upon the completion of the collection.

Accepted papers will be typeset according to the usual format for the journal, and given a unique DOI number. Further information is provided in the relevant section of the submission guidelines. After acceptance, there is an average 2-3 weeks for typesetting and proofs before final publication. Papers will be continuously published in the collection web page as soon as ready, thus the web page will be slowly populated with papers as soon as they appear online.
