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Astrophysics and Space Science

An International Journal of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science

Publishing model:

Astrophysics and Space Science - Publishing Models in Astrophysics and Space Science

As a Hybrid Journal, we are glad to offer authors two routes for publishing your manuscripts:

“Traditional” subscription model

Papers are published online without any costs to authors, and can be accessed, for example, through an institutional subscription. In addition, we encourage authors to use SharedIT to be able to share, easily and legally, a view-only full-text version of the published article with colleagues and general audiences.

Open Access model

The papers are published online and are immediately available for anyone to access for free. In this model, an Article Processing Charge (APC) must be paid, either directly using the author’s research funds (please see fees and funding), or the APC can be covered by a transformative deal. Astrophysics and Space Science is a transformative journal, therefore, authors can benefit from the many Springer Nature’s Transformative Agreements. This means that, depending on the corresponding author’s affiliation, the article can be published open access without any direct costs to the authors. Please learn more about this option under the Transformative Agreement section of the following web page:

After the acceptance of your paper, you will be given the opportunity to choose between either of the two options above. Notice that we offer a rigorous and high-quality peer-review process, which is entirely independent of the publishing model chosen. After acceptance, your article will be handled by an efficient production and typesetting team, and will be quickly made available online thereafter.

At Astrophysics and Space Science, we are proud to have the support of an excellent editorial board, composed of expert scientists in both observational and theoretical research. In 2021, we have seen a rise of 28% in our Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate) compared the previous year, as a result of our increasing quality standards. We welcome you to visit our Aims and Scope web page to check whether your manuscript would be suitable for publication in our journal.

We are looking forward to working with you and welcome your submission!
