Sex hormones and female homosexuality: A critical examination Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg OriginalPaper Pages: 101 - 119
Adjustment of homosexual and heterosexual women: A cross-national replication Marvin Siegelman OriginalPaper Pages: 121 - 125
Group treatment of single males with erectile dysfunction W. Charles LobitzElgan L. Baker Jr. OriginalPaper Pages: 127 - 138
Three clinically discrete categories of fetishistic transvestism Neil BuhrichNeil McConaghy OriginalPaper Pages: 151 - 157
Coital and contraceptive behavior of female adolescents Paul A. Reichelt OriginalPaper Pages: 159 - 172
Sexual response in spinal cord injured adults: A review of the literature Glenn E. Higgins Jr. OriginalPaper Pages: 173 - 196