Sexual dysfunction in insulin-treated diabetics: A six-year follow-up study of 101 patients Søren Buus Jensen OriginalPaper Pages: 271 - 283
Plasma prolactin and estradiol during sleep in impotent men and normal controls Raul C. SchiaviCharles FisherJohn Thornton OriginalPaper Pages: 285 - 291
Effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate on subjective arousal, arousal to erotic stimulation, and nocturnal penile tumescence in male sex offenders John P. WinczeSudhir BansalMark Malamud OriginalPaper Pages: 293 - 305
The gender identity movement: A growing surgical-psychiatric liaison Ira B. PaulyMilton T. Edgerton OriginalPaper Pages: 315 - 329
Moral reasoning, parental sex attitudes, and sex guilt in female college students Sharon PropperRobert A. Brown OriginalPaper Pages: 331 - 340
Sexual development and life of psychiatric female patients Jiří Raboch OriginalPaper Pages: 341 - 353
Indirect behavioral treatment of erectile failure and premature ejaculation in a man without a partner Ariel Stravynski Case Report Pages: 355 - 361