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Aquaculture International

Journal of the European Aquaculture Society

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Aquaculture International - CALL FOR PAPERS: Innovations in disease control and diagnosis

The journal Aquaculture International publishes a continuous Topical Collection on 'Innovations in disease control and diagnosis'. We now call for papers covering Innovations in disease control and diagnosis. Some examples of review or original research papers that would be relevant to this call include: 

  • Developments in adjuvants for use with injectable vaccines
  • Developments in oralisers to increase the effectiveness of oral vaccines
  • New non specific immunostimulants and their effectiveness at controlling disease
  • The use of probiotics, prebiotics and medicinal plant products in field situations
  • Probiotic, prebiotic and/or medicinal plant combinations
  • Determination of the active components of medicinal plants leading to studies with purified compounds to determine their effectiveness for disease control
  • Effective dosages, longevity of protection, and the ideal time to use these disease control agents
  • New methods of disease diagnosis
  • The value of diagnosis in effecting disease control

Topical Collection Editor:

Professor Brian Austin is a microbiologist with a long history of research in fish diseases, emphasising the diagnosis and control of bacterial fish pathogens.  He has researched the taxonomy of pathogens, their diagnosis by serology and molecular methods, and control by vaccines, probiotics and medicinal plant products. Until 2015, he was Director of the Institute of Aquaculture and Professor of Microbiology at the University of Stirling. He has published over 300 scientific articles and 20 books, to date.

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How to submit?
Submit your article to one of the Topical Collections by clicking on the Submit manuscript button on the home page of Aquaculture International

Find out about the already published articles in these collections.
