Applications of non-intrusive methods to study the sand cat: a field study in the Sahara Desert Jose María Gil-SánchezF. Javier Herrera-SánchezEmilio Virgós Original Article Open access 03 February 2023 Article: 20
Algerian and European hedgehogs cohabiting in periurban environments: spatial behaviour and habitat use Héctor GagoRobby M. DrechslerJuan S. Monrós Original Article Open access 28 January 2023 Article: 19
Understanding the impact of wild boar on the European wild rabbit and red-legged partridge populations using a diet metabarcoding approach Antonio J. CarpioJoão QueirósPelayo Acevedo Research Open access 27 January 2023 Article: 18
Correction to: Hunting for ecological indicators: are large herbivore skeleton measures from harvest data useful proxies for monitoring? Åshild Ø. PedersenBård‑Jørgen BårdsenBrage B. Hansen Correction Open access 27 January 2023 Article: 17
Against the flow: unexpected migration movements over the open sea by inexperienced ospreys Flavio MontiGiampiero SammuriAndrea Sforzi Brief Report Open access 25 January 2023 Article: 16
Abundance and activity of carnivores in two protected areas of semi-arid western India with varying top predator density and human impacts Kainat LatafatAyan SadhuYadvendradev V. Jhala Original Article 23 January 2023 Article: 15
A study of the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in the wild red deer herd of Exmoor Keith J. Collard Research 19 January 2023 Article: 14
Lipoarabinomannan (LAM)—a potential biomarker for the diagnosis of tuberculosis from the urine of infected elephants Ranjini ManuelP. M. DeepaDeepa C.K Research 16 January 2023 Article: 13
Hunting for ecological indicators: are large herbivore skeleton measures from harvest data useful proxies for monitoring? Åshild Ø. PedersenBård-Jørgen BårdsenBrage B. Hansen Research Open access 13 January 2023 Article: 12
Artificial intelligence as a potential tool for micro-histological analysis of herbivore diets Jordi Bartolomé FilellaChristian Carlos Quispe BonillaFredrik Dalerum Short Communication 06 January 2023 Article: 11
Characterization of Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) habitat and resources availability in the Alvarado Lagoon System, Veracruz R. G. Suárez-AchavalA. SerranoA. Basañez-Muñoz Research 03 January 2023 Article: 10
From species detection to population size indexing: the use of sign surveys for monitoring a rare and otherwise elusive small mammal Dinora PeraltaTeresa Vaz-FreireRicardo Pita Research Open access 23 December 2022 Article: 9
18 years of the European Journal of Wildlife Research: profile and prospects Tommaso IllariettiPelayo AcevedoChristian Gortázar Comment 22 December 2022 Article: 8
Landscape settlement and parameters of Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) home ranges in the Czech Republic Mikulka OndřejPyszko PetrKorbelová Jana Original Article 19 December 2022 Article: 7
Lethal predator control on UK moorland is associated with high breeding success of curlew, a globally near-threatened wader David BainesKathy FletcherMichael Richardson Original Article 14 December 2022 Article: 6
An increasing human-elephant conflict? Impact of African elephant on cultivated cashew trees María Montero-BoteyRamón Perea Original Article 14 December 2022 Article: 5
Early stages of home range settlement in a newly reintroduced raptor on an island: Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) on Mallorca, Spain Beatriz Martínez-MiranzoMiriam Conde de DiosJosé I. Aguirre Short Communication 12 December 2022 Article: 4
Effect of legal regulation of supplemental feeding on space use of red deer in an area with chronic wasting disease Atle MysterudInger Maren RivrudErling L. Meisingset Original Article Open access 12 December 2022 Article: 3
The annual occurrence of mass mortality at a Common Pipistrelle swarming site Christopher Paul Bell Original Article 08 December 2022 Article: 2
Determining sex in golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) nestlings G. PenicheD. J. ShawA. L. Meredith Methodology Open access 05 December 2022 Article: 1