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Primates - Primates in the Media

Rainforest chimpanzees dig wells for water in fascinating, rare behavior
Press release
Press release (Japanese)
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Why leaf-eating Asian monkeys do not have a sweet tooth  
Genetic study shows that Javan lutung monkeys have a poor sense of taste
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Madagascar’s lemurs use millipedes for their tummy troubles  
Researchers observe that red-fronted lemurs may chew on millipedes to rid themselves of intestinal parasites
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Spa therapy helps Japan’s snow monkeys cope with the cold  
New data reveal that female Japanese macaques bathe in hot springs to lower stress from cold weather
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Unlikely couple 
Liaison between a Sika deer and a Japanese snow monkey
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The first smile 
Spontaneous smiles in newborn Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)
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The story of how a touch screen helped a paralyzed chimp walk again 
Euthanasia does not have to be only option for injured animals
Press release
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Not on my watch: Chimp swats film crew’s drone 
Incident shows that chimps are able to plan ahead and use tools as weapons
Press release
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An observation of a severely disabled infant chimpanzee in the wild and her interactions with her mother 
Chimpanzee mother and sister helped disabled infant to survive for 23 months in the wild
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