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Asia Europe Journal

Studies on Common Policy Challenges

Publishing model:

Asia Europe Journal - Call for Special Issues

The Asia Europe Journal welcomes the submission of proposals for Special Issues

Proposals should be emailed to the Co-Editor (Special Issues), Prof. Gulshan Sachdeva, Centre for European Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India at, with a copy to the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Wei Shen at and to the Publishing Editor, Sagarika Ghosh at

The articles to be included in a Special Issue should fulfil all the normal requirements in terms of quality, originality, and significance of any individual article of the Asia Europe Journal, and should be of relevance to a wide international and multidisciplinary readership. Please check the Aims & Scope the Journal at

Your proposal must state the need for the proposed Special Issue by outlining how the Special Issue fits within the scope of the Journal; the advances provided by the papers in relation to existing knowledge; any novelty provided by the papers, and the common theme(s) that make the papers a coherent set.

A detailed proposal should include:

  • Provisional title, proposed Guest Editors, date likely to be submitted
  • A brief CV of the proposed Guest Editors
  • A statement of the Special Issue’s significance for the Journal, and the likely content to be covered
  • A draft of the Call for Papers
  •  Timing of the main steps and expected date of submission to the publishers

The review process and editorial procedure:

For special issue without a Call for Papers, the Guest Editors consider the articles and, when they are happy that they meet the appropriate standard of quality, originality, and significance, instruct the authors to submit their papers via the Journal’s online submission system. Guest Editors should make it clear to authors that being invited to submit a paper is not a guarantee of its publication. Authors should submit their papers to the appropriate Special Issue, from a dropdown menu within the system, when asked during the submission process. The submitted papers will then be available within the online system for the Guest Editors to send out for double blind peer review.

For proposals involving a Call for Papers, as submissions to the Special Issue arrive directly from Authors in the online submission and review system, the Guest Editors will be able to access and assess whether each paper is within the scope for the Special Issue. The paper will then either be rejected or should be sent out for peer review. If a paper does not meet the criteria required for the Special Issue, Guest Editors may reject papers without them having been sent for external peer review.

The Journal’s Special Issue Editor is available to assist should there be any doubt about a course of action to take. 

For all Special Issue types please note that:

The double-blind peer review of each paper is carried out in the usual manner via the Journal’s online submission and peer review system by the Guest Editor. Once reviews are returned, the Guest Editor will need to take a provisional decision, and this will be communicated to the Journal’s Special Issue Editor for their confirmation of decision. Should the SI Editor not agree with the acceptance decision proposed, the Guest Editor may appeal at this point if wished. In this case, the final decision is in the hand of the Editor-in-Chief.

As articles are accepted the Guest Editor will be prompted to start preparing an introductory article (which will be original and not previously published) to be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the acceptance of the last article in the issue. This introduction should set the scene and provide the premise for the special issue referencing the articles included within.

The Editor-in-Chief will adjudicate on any disagreements that arise during the editorial process.
