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Official Journal of the Society of the Nippon Dental University

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  • Odontology Prize

    The Society of The Nippon Dental University launched a new award—Odontology Prize—recognizing an original article published in the Odontology with the highest scientific influence and impact. The prize is awarded annually to the first author of the article. The prize consists of a certificate and a cash award of $3000 or ¥300,000.

    Odontology Prize 2021

    Stain susceptibility of composite and ceramic CAD/CAM blocks versus direct resin composites with different resinous matrices
    Amal Alharbi, Stefano Ardu, Tissiana Bortolotto & Ivo Krejci 
    Odontology 105, 162–169 (2017). (this opens in a new tab)
